J94S.book Page 10 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Before Driving Y our M azda
Driving Tips
▼ Tire Chains
• C hains m ay scratch or chip
a lum inum w heels. Install tire chains
on steel w heels only.
• C hains m ay affect handling.
• D o n ’t go faster than 50 k m /h (30
m ph) or the chain m an u factu rer’s
recom m ended lim it, w hichever is
• D rive carefully and avoid bum ps,
holes, and sharp turns.
• Avoid locked-w heel braking.
• D o n ’t u se chains on the tem porary
tire; it m ay result in d am age to the
vehicle and to the tire.
• D o n ’t u se chains on roads that are
free o f snow o r ice. The tires and
chains could b e dam aged.
Driving In Flooded Area
D rivin g w ith Wet B rakes:
D rivin g w ith w et brakes is dangerou s.
In creased stoppin g d istan ce o r the
veh icle p u llin g to one side w hen
bra k in g cou ld re su lt in a serious
acciden t. L ig h t b rakin g w ill indicate
w h eth er the brakes have been
affected. D ry the brakes by drivin g
very slow ly a n d a p plyin g the brakes
ligh tly un til brake perfo rm a n ce
retu rn s to norm al.
M ake sure w ater does n ot enter the
vehicle interior o r the engine area. T he
vehicle interior could b ecom e w et or
the engine could b e dam aged.
C heck local regulations before using tire
Install the chains on the front tires.
D o n ’t u se chains on the re ar tires.
U se only SA E C lass "S" chains, and m ake
sure they fit.
I n s ta llin g th e c h a in s
1. R em ove the w heel covers, or the chain
bands w ill scratch them .
2. Secure the chains on the front tires as
tightly as possible. A lw ays follow the
chain m an u factu rer’s instructions.
3. R etighten the chains after driving
1/2— 1 km (1/4— 1/2 m ile).
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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