J94S.book Page 2 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Knowing Your M azda
Doors and Locks
K eys a n d C hildren:
L eavin g children in a veh icle with the
ignition key is dangerou s. T his cou ld
re su lt in som eone bein g badly in ju red
o r even killed. T hey cou ld p la y with
p o w e r w indow s o r oth er controls, or
even m ake the veh icle m ove. D o n ’t
leave the keys in your veh icle with
(W ith im m obilizer system )
• To avoid dam age to the key, do not:
♦ D rop the key.
♦ G et the key wet.
♦ E xpose the key to any kind o f
m agnetic field.
♦ E xpose the key to high
tem peratures on places such as
the dashboard or hood, under
direct sunlight.
• W h en starting the engine, do n ot let
the follow ing m aterials tou ch the
key grip. T he e ngine m ay n ot start:
♦ Spare keys.
♦ Keys for other vehicles equipped
w ith an im m obilizer system .
♦ M etal objects that touch or pass
through the hole in the key.
Your M azda has tw o kin d s o f keys:
prim ary and secondary.
W ithout im m obilizer system
W ith im m obilizer system
Primary key
Secondary key
Key code number plate
H ere’s w hat the keys are used for:
L o c k O p e ra te s
P r im a r y
k ey
S e c o n d a ry
Ignition sw itch
and steering
co lu m n lock
D oors
G love box
T ru n k lid
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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