J94S.book Page 28 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Essential Safety Equipm ent
SRS Air Bags
Su spen sion A djustm ent:
A d ju stin g the veh icle su spen sion is dangerou s. I f the v eh icle’s h eig h t o r the
suspension is changed, the veh icle w ill be un able to accu rately d etect a collision
resu ltin g in in correct o r un expected a ir bag d eploym en t a n d the p o ssib ility o f serious
M odification o f the Su p p lem en ta l R estrain t System :
M odifyin g the com pon en ts o r w irin g o f the su p p lem en ta l restra in t system is
dangerous. You c ou ld a cciden tally activate it o r m ake it inoperable. D o n ’t m ake any
m odification s to the su p p lem en ta l restra in t system . This in clu des in stallin g trim,
badges, o r a n yth in g else over the a ir bag storage areas. I t also in clu des installin g
extra electric equ ipm en t on o r n ea r system com pon en ts o r w iring. A n A u th orized
M azda D ea ler can p ro v id e the sp ecia l care n eeded in the rem o va l a n d in stallation o f
fr o n t seats. I t is im portan t to p ro te c t the side a ir bag w irin g a n d con n ection s to assure
th a t the bags d o n o t a cciden tally deploy a n d th a t the seats retain a n u n dam aged a ir
bag connection.
U sing S ea t Covers:
U sing a se a t cover on the f r o n t seats is dangerou s. In a severe side collision, the seat
covers cou ld interfere with the side a ir b ag inflation a n d seriou s injuries c o u ld result.
N ever use se a t covers on the f r o n t seats.
To prevent dam age to the side air bag w iring, d o n ’t place luggage or other objects under
the front seats.
• W hen an air bag deploys, a loud inflation noise can be heard and som e sm oke w ill be
released. N either is likely to cause injury, however, the texture o f the air bags m ay
cause light skin injuries on body parts not covered w ith clothing through friction.
• Should you sell y o u r M azda, w e urge y ou to tell the new ow ner o f its air bag system s
and that fam iliarization w ith a ll instructions about them , from the O w n er’s M anual, is
im portant.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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