J94S.book Page 23 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Essential Safety Equipm ent
Child Restraint
▼ If You Must Use the Front Seat
for Children
If you cannot put all children in the rear
seat, at least p ut the sm allest in the rear
seat and be sure the largest child up front
uses the shoulder belt over the shoulder.
D o not put rear-facing child-restraint
system s on the fro n t p a ssen g er’s seat.
T his seat is also n ot set up for tethered
child-restraint system s, put them in one o f
the three re ar seat positions set up w ith
tether anchors.
D o n ’t allow anyone to sleep against the
rig h t front door if you have an optional
side a ir bag, it could cause serious injuries
to an out o f position occupant. A s
children m ore often sleep in cars, it is
better to put them in the rear seat. If
installing the child-restraint system on the
front seat is unavoidable, follow these
instructions w hen using a front-facing
child-restraint system in the front
p assen g er’s seat.
To ch eck if y o u r M azda front seats
have side air bags:
E very M azda side air bag w ill have a
"S R S-A ir Bag" label on the outboard
shoulder o f the front seats.
F ront P assen ger’s S e a t Position:
A s y o u r veh icle has f r o n t a ir bags a n d
d ou bly so becau se y o u r veh icle has
side a ir bags, a fro n t-fa c in g child-
restra in t system sh ou ld be p u t on the
fr o n t se a t only w hen it is un avoidable.
A lw a ys m ove the sea t as f a r back as
p o ssible, becau se the fo r c e o f a
deployin g a ir bag c o u ld cau se serious
injury o r d eath to the child.
R ear-F acin e C h ild-R estrain t System :
R ear-facin g ch ild-restrain t system s
on the fr o n t sea t are particu la rly
dangerou s.
The ch ild-restrain t system can be h it
by a d eployin g a ir b ag a n d m oved
violently b ackw ard resu ltin g in
serious injury o r d ea th to the child.
N E V E R use a rear-facin g child-
restrain t system in the f r o n t sea t with
an a ir bag th at c o u ld deploy.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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