J94S.book Page 5 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
R ear D o o r C hild Safety L ock .............. 3-5
R ear Seat .................................................... 2-6
R ear W in d o w D efroster ...................... 5-35
R ear-A rm rest B ox ................................. 6-43
R earview M i r r o r .....................................3-22
R ecreational T ow ing ............................ 7-16
R ocking the V e h ic le ................................4-8
Safety D efects, R eporting ...................9-14
Seat B e lt System
3-point type .....................................2-12
A utom atic locking ........................2-11
E m ergency locking ...................... 2-10
E xtender ...........................................2-16
P regnant w om en ........................... 2-10
R ear-center lap/shoulder .............2-14
S eat b e lt precautions ...................... 2-9
W arning light/beep ...................... 2-17
F ro n t seat .......................................... 2-2
R ear seat .............................................2-6
Security System
Im m obilizer system ..................... 3-17
T heft-deterrent system ................ 3-19
Service P ublications ............................. 9-15
Spare T ire and T ool Storage ................ 7-3
Specifications ..........................................10-4
S peedom eter ............................................5-20
SRS A ir B ags
A ir bag system description ........ 2-29
S upplem ental restraint system s
precautions ......................................2-25
W arning light ................................. 2-34
Starting the E ngine .................................. 5-3
S teering W heel ....................................... 3-21
H orn ..................................................5-36
S torage C om partm ents ........................ 6-41
Storage P ocket ........................................6-42
S u n r o o f ..................................................... 3-15
S u n s h a d e ...................................................3-16
S unvisors ................................................. 6-44
T a c h o m e te r..............................................5-21
T em porary Spare T ire ..........................8-28
T heft-D eterrent System ....................... 3-19
Tiedow n
H ook ................................................. 7-16
T ires
F la t tire ...............................................7-3
Inflation pressure ...........................8-26
R eplacem ent ................................... 8-27
R otation ........................................... 8-27
Snow tires .......................................... 4-9
S pare tire and tool storage ............ 7-3
Specifications ................................. 10-6
T ire chains .......................................4-10
U niform tire quality grading
system (U TQ G S) ...........................9-12
T ool ............................................................. 7-3
T ow ing
D escription ......................................7-15
E m ergency tow ing ....................... 7-15
R ecreational tow ing .....................7-16
T railer t o w i n g .................................4-11
T raction C ontrol System (TC S) ........5-16
Indicator light .................................5-17
S w itc h ............................................... 5-17
W arning light .................................5-17
T railer T o w in g ........................................4-11
T rip M eter ...............................................5-20
T runk L i d ................................................. 3-10
T runk L ight .............................................3-11
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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