J94S.book Page 3 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
D riving Tips .............................................. 4-7
A utom atic transaxle ..................... 5-12
B reak-in period ................................4-7
D riving in flooded area ............... 4-10
H azardous driving ........................... 4-8
M oney-saving s u g g e s tio n s ............4-7
R ocking the v eh icle ........................4-8
T railer tow ing ................................4-11
W in ter driving .................................. 4-9
E m ergency Starting ...............................7-12
F looded e n g in e ...............................7-12
Jum p-starting ................................. 7-12
P ush-starting .................................. 7-14
E m ergency T ow ing ...............................7-15
E m ission C ontrol S y s te m ...................... 4-4
E ngine
C o o la n t............................................. 8-13
E xhaust gas .......................................4-5
H ood release .....................................3-9
O il ..................................................... 8-10
O v e rh e a tin g .....................................7-10
Starting ............................................... 5-3
E ngine C om partm ent O verview ......... 8-9
E ngine C oolant
O v e rh e a tin g .....................................7-10
E ngine C oolant T em perature
G auge ........................................................5-21
E xhaust G as .............................................. 4-5
E xterior C are ...........................................8-42
E yeglass H older .................................... 6-41
F lasher
H azard w arning ............................. 5-36
H eadlights .......................................5-32
F lat T ire ...................................................... 7-3
C hanging ........................................... 7-5
S pare tire and tool storage ............ 7-3
C la s s ific a tio n .................................. 10-4
O w ner m aintenance ........................ 8-7
F o o t B rake ................................................. 5-4
F ront seats ................................................. 2-2
F uel
F iller lid and cap ...........................3-14
G auge ...............................................5-22
R equirem ents ................................... 4-2
T an k capacity ................................. 10-5
F uses ..........................................................8-35
P anel description ...........................8-37
R eplacem ent ................................... 8-35
G auges ...................................................... 5-19
G love B o x ...............................................6-42
H azard W arning Flasher ...................... 5-36
H azardous D riving ..................................4-8
H eadlights
C ontrol ............................................ 5-32
F lashing ........................................... 5-32
H igh-low beam .............................. 5-32
O n rem in d er ................................... 5-32
H ood R elease .............................................3-9
H orn ...........................................................5-36
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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