J94S.book Page 10 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Custom er Inform ation
Add-On Non-Genuine Parts and Accessories
N on-genuine parts and accessories for M azda vehicles can be found in stores.
T hese m ay fit y o u r vehicle, but they are n ot approved by the M azda for use w ith M azda
vehicles. W hen you install n o n-genuine parts or accessories, they could affect your
v eh icle’s p erform ance or safety system ; the M azda w arranty d o e sn ’t cover this. B efore you
install any non-genuine parts or accessories, consult an A uthorized M azda D ealer.
Installation o f N on -G enuin e Parts o r A ccessories:
In stallation o f n on -gen uin e p a rts o r a ccessories is dangerou s. Im properly d esign ed
p a rts o r a ccessories co u ld seriously a ffect y o u r v eh ic le ’s perfo rm a n ce o r safety
system . This cou ld cause yo u to have an accid en t o r increase y o u r chances o f injuries
in an acciden t. A lw ays consu lt an A u th orized M azda D ea ler before y o u in sta ll non-
gen u in e p a rts o r accessories.
A dd-O n E lectrical a n d E lectronic Equipm ent:
In correctly c h oosin g o r in stallin g im p ro p er add-on equ ipm en t o r ch oosin g an
im proper insta ller is dangerou s. E ssen tial system s cou ld dam aged, cau sin g engine
stalling, air-b a g (SR S ) activation, A B S in activation, o r a fir e in the vehicle.
B e very ca refu l in ch oosin g a n d in stallin g add-on electrical equipm ent, su ch as
m obile telephones, tw o-w ay radios, stereo system s, a n d car a larm system s.
M azda assum es no responsibility fo r death, injury, or expenses that m ay result from the
installation o f add-on non-genuine parts or accessories.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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Page 245: ...J94S book Page 1 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM Index 11 1 Form No 8Q50 EA 01G...