J94S.book Page 24 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
M aintenance and Care
Owner Maintenance
4. C arefully insert the new blade rubber.
T hen install the blade assem bly in the
reverse older o f rem oval.
B a ttery-R ela ted L ea d M aterials:
B attery p osts, term in als a n d rela ted
accessories contain lea d a n d lead
com pou nds, chem icals know n to the
S tate o f C alifornia to cause can cer
a n d reprodu ctive h arm .
Wash h an ds a fter handling.
S p illed B attery F luid:
S p illed battery f lu id is dangerou s.
B attery flu id contain s S U L F U R IC
A C ID which cou ld cause serious
injuries, i f it gets in y o u r eyes o r on
y o u r skin. I f this happens,
im m ediately flu s h y o u r eyes with
w ater f o r 15 m in u tes o r wash y o u r
skin th orou gh ly a n d g e t m edical
attention. B e carefu l n ot to g e t battery
f lu id on you rself.
B a ttery-R ela ted E xplosion:
F lam es a n d sparks n ea r open battery
cells are dangerou s. H ydrogen gas,
p r o d u ce d du rin g n orm a l battery
operation, cou ld ignite a n d cause the
battery to explode. A n explodin g
battery can cause seriou s burns a n d
injuries. K eep a ll fla m e s, in clu din g
cigarettes, a n d sparks aw ay fro m
open battery cells.
C hildren a n d B atteries:
A llo w in g children to p la y n ear
batteries is dangerou s. B attery flu id
co u ld cause seriou s injuries i f it gets
in the eyes o r on the skin. A lw ays
keep batteries ou t o f the reach o f
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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Page 245: ...J94S book Page 1 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM Index 11 1 Form No 8Q50 EA 01G...