J94S.book Page 3 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Essential Safety Equipm ent
(E le ctrica lly o p e r a te d m odel)
To slide the seat, m ove the slide lifter
sw itch on the outside o f the seat to the
front or b a c k and hold it. R elease the
sw itch at the desired position.
▼ Seat Recline
R eclining:
S ittin g in a reclin e d p o sitio n w hile the
veh icle is m o vin g is dan gerou s
becau se y o u d o n ’t g e t the f u ll
p ro tectio n fr o m seat belts. D u rin g
su dden bra k in g o r a co llisio n , yo u
can slide un der the lap b elt a n d su ffer
serious in tern a l injuries. For
m axim u m p ro te ctio n , sit w ell ba ck
a n d uprigh t.
U nlocked Seatback:
A seatback p la ys an im p o rta n t role in
y o u r p ro tectio n in a veh icle. L eavin g
the seatback u n locked is dan gerou s as
it can allow p a ssen g ers to be ejected
o r throw n a ro u n d a n d baggage to
strike occu pan ts in a su dden stop or
collision , re su ltin g in severe injury.
A fter a d ju stin g the seatback a t any
tim e, even w hen there a re no oth er
pa ssen g ers, ro ck the seatback to m ake
su re it is locked in place.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Summary of Contents for MX-6
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Page 245: ...J94S book Page 1 Saturday June 23 2001 1 04 PM Index 11 1 Form No 8Q50 EA 01G...