© 2007 by Stephen Beck V1.0
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Use at your Own Risk
Maytag Ice2O French Door Refrigerator/Freezer Model
Maytag Ice2O French Door Refrigerator/Freezer Model
Maytag Ice2O French Door Refrigerator/Freezer Model
Maytag Ice2O French Door Refrigerator/Freezer Model
HV Control Board repair instruction guide
ontrol Board repair instruction guide
ontrol Board repair instruction guide
ontrol Board repair instruction guide
Note: This information is copyrighted material designed for non-commercial informational use,
and provided as-is with no warrantee whatsoever. Use at your own risk.
Continuously flashing, blinking front panel display lights
Ice door flapping, clicking, opening and closing continuously
Lack of responsiveness to any button on the door
No ice or water dispenses
Optional Symptoms
Lights may only flash when compressor runs
Compressor may not run at all (fridge does not stay cold anymore)
This guide describes my adaptation of a solution that was inspired by the Samurai Appliance Repair Man (SARM)
and a posting on the related appliance repair forum thread located at
Since I found this info on the web for free, and you are finding this info on the web for free, if you find this helpful in
saving the +/- $350 repair bill or getting the fridge fixed faster than waiting on a new board (many reports of this are
back-ordered) please make the suggested donation of a “fin” to the SARM to help keep his free appliance repair
forum going. Tell him “Steve sent you” ;-)
What follows are two things: the unfortunately needed legal disclaimer on the conditions of using this info, and
lastly the actual description of what I did to fix my own fridge. Make no mistake, you will be fiddling with
components controlling wall-outlet levels of electricity, so if you haven’t ever done something like this, find a friend
who has or call in your local Maytag repair man.
In researching a fix for the fridge at 3am 7/5/07 after my fridge started the above symptoms, I located a number of
sites that had reference to this problem. The SARM actually had a description of a tech going to his friend with the
electronics shop and he repaired the board, it was re-installed, and seems to be working. Thus the inspiration for
my attempt, which as of the writing, is about 2 days running without problem.
I consider myself handy, and an electronics hobbyist, hence why I decided to try performing the work myself. That
plus I was looking at a minimum $300 repair bill to replace the HV Control Board and since it was going to be
replaced anyway, I was willing to spend $5 in parts to save the $300.
So without further delay, please carefully read BOTH sections, and good luck !
- Steve