Shenzhen Maxtang Computer Co., Ltd
3.6 Boot
Setup Prompt Timeout:
Number of seconds that the firmware will wait before initiating the original default boot selection.
A value of 0 indicates that the default boot selection is to be initiated immediately on boot. A value of
65535(0xFFFF) indicates that firmware will wait for user input before booting. This means the default
boot selection is not automatically started by the firmware.
Bootup NumLock State:
Select the keyboard NumLock state
Show Full Logo:
Enabled/Disabled Displays customized boot logo.
Boot Option #1~#6:
Set the system boot order from Number 1 to Number 6.
UEFI Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities
UEFI hard drive boot priorities setting.
UEFI USB Drive BBS Priorities:
UEFI USB device boot priorities setting.
UEFI Application boot Priorities:
UEFI application boot priority.