Lock/unlock: Locked messages are impossible to delete
Transfer: You can transfer a message into the phone or onto
the SIM Card
Copy: You can copy a message into the phone or onto the
SIM Card
Mark: You can transfer, copy, lock or reply to marked
messages by a text or multimedia messages
Sort: Sort messages by time, Contact, description or type
Add Sender To: You can add a Sender to a new or existing
Delete from Number: This option allows you to delete all
messages received from this number
Add to Black List: Text/multimedia messages from this
number will not be received.
In „Menu”-> „Messages” press „Options”-> „Settings” -> „Save
Sent Mssgs” to save sent messages in the box „Sent”.
Create Message
Create a new text or multimedia message, save it and/or
send to a recipient. Select Menu -> Messages -> Create
Message -> SMS.
Important: A text of a single message can’t be longer than 160