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COMMKIT-DN, COMMKIT-PB, and COMMKIT-EN Fieldbus Interface Cards
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The Cygnus
communicates over either DeviceNet, Profibus-DP, or Ethernet/IP using an HMS AnyBus-S Slave
interface card. For DeviceNet, Polled I/O data is used. For Profibus-DP, Cyclic I/O data is used. For Ethernet IP,
data may be accessed using the GetAttributeSingle service.
Install the fieldbus specific HMS interface card into the Cygnus (see Cygnus Instruction Manual 850A295 for
installation instructions). The switch settings for each fieldbus card are described in Chapter 3 of the fieldbus
appendix for the specific interface card, or are available from the HMS website:
Anybus-S Slave Individual Fieldbus Appendix
DeviceNet PDF file: AnyBus-S DeviceNet
file: AnyBus-S
file: AnyBus-S
The EDS and GSD configuration files are also available on the same web page.
DeviceNet EDS file: AnyBus-S DeviceNet Parallel
file: AnyBus-S
Fieldbus Communications
The input/output data area size is 16 bytes. The data area consists of 4 fields, the message identifier field, the
parameter identifier field, the read/write control field, and the parameter data field. The message identifier is a
unique number used to distinguish a new message. Each time the fieldbus sends a new message it must generate
and send a different message identifier. The parameter identifier is the parameter number of the data the fieldbus
is reading from or writing to the Cygnus. The read/write control tells whether this message is “a read from the
Cygnus” or “a write to the Cygnus.” The parameter data field contains the data read or written message. The
parameter data field consists of three variables one for each data type, unsigned short, integer, and float data. The
data type area used is determined by the specific parameter selected.
All data, both read and written, must be presented in the current Cygnus Unit system. To enter data using a
different unit system, the unit system must be changed prior to changing or reading the data.
All setup selectable data, both read and written, must be related to the current Cygnus setup number. To
change parameters in another setup, the system must be changed to the desired setup number prior to
changing or reading the data.
The Cygnus considers the entire message to be valid when it detects that the message_ID has changed.
Numbers are hexadecimal if they start with 0x, and decimal if not.
03/09 Rev. E