Fife-200 Web Guiding System
MI 1-918 1 C
Product overview
The Fife-200 Web Guiding System is a small web guide and
controller that consists of three parts: an offset pivot guide
and sensor, a controller capable of controlling four guides
and sensors, and an operator interface. The Fife-200 Web
Guiding System has an IP40 ingress protection rating. The
Fife-200 Web Guiding System is available in four different roll
face and guide spans and two different roller diameters.
The Fife-200 Web Guiding System is designed for continuous
use. The controller has one sensor input per guide, three
parallel inputs per guide, and one parallel output per guide.
The controller controls all the guides through the color touch-
screen operator interface. The controller parallel inputs and
outputs are used for remote control and alarms. The Fife-200
Web Guiding System controls the position of the web by
monitoring the web position with the sensor mounted in the
web path and driving an actuator connected to the guide
assembly to steer the web to the desired position.
The Fife-200 Battery Guiding System is capable of Servo-
Center mode without a Servo-Center sensor for centering the
guide while threading the web. When entering Servo-Center
mode, the guide will jog between the mechanical stops and
center at the midpoint of the stops.The Fife-200 Web Guiding
System works with most FIFE sensors.