Maverick Boat Group
3207 Industrial 29th St. • Fort Pierce, Florida 34946
Maintenance & Cleaning
Hewes advises owners that maintenance and repairs should be performed at an
authorized Hewes Dealer. The following information is general in nature and should not
be considered a repair manual or guidelines set forth by Maverick Boat Group.
Each Hewes boat is constructed using the finest materials and components available.
However, no material is immune to the ravages of the saltwater environment. After each
use, your boat should be rinsed thoroughly with fresh water. Refer to page 22 for
upholstery care and cleaning instructions. A light coat of lubricant on metal railing,
screws and electrical connections will help prevent electrolysis. The same holds true for
your trailer. To improve the longevity of your gel coat, it is recommended that you wax
your boat once a year using an approved fiberglass wax.