MSC-CP4X4E Product Manual
“srcCount” : 4,
“flags” : “mute”,
“destNames” : [ “Dest1”, ”Dest2”, “Dest3”, “Dest4” ],
“srcNames” : [ “Src1”, ”Src2”, “Src3”, “Src4” ],
“state” : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
“psetData” :
[1,2,3,4], [1,1,1,1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1],
[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1],
[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]
“psetNames” :
The example output above is a typical response for a 4x4 Video router. Current matrix routing is “straight
through”, 10 presets are defined (1st is straight through, 2nd is mapped all to source 1, and all other presets have
not been assigned (No Change). Note that future protocol versions may support more than 10 presets and
therefore may return information for more or less than 10 presets for the psetData and psetNames arrays.
3.23 MtxGroup Command
Carina Series routers only - Protocol Version: 2.4
Query or assign I/O grouping. This setting is saved and recalled on power up.
The I/O grouping feature is used to combine multiple inputs and outputs. Combined grouped inputs and outputs
then behave as if they were a single I/O, which changes the size of the router matrix accordingly (matrix size
divided by group count), and matrix routing changes update the grouped I/Os simultanously. Group counts are
assigned on a per level basis, allowing for different I/O grouping for separate levels (for example separate video
and audio levels). Real world examples of I/O grouping include: dual channel 3D video and combining
multiple audio channels (4 AES digital audio streams for example).
Query current I/O grouping.
MtxGroup LEVEL1
Set level 1 I/O grouping (0 or 1 disables grouping).
Set level 1 and level 2 I/O grouping (0 or 1 disables grouping).
Example querying and assigning I/O grouping
>MtxGroup 2,4
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