Figure 7: MOGD# Command Example
Again, the clear screen command is sent to a connected display, this time using the MOGD# Send
Numeric function command style. Scripts can be run as a whole using the Play button from the toolbar
or as single commands by selecting Step; once executed it must be Reset. Before issuing commands, it is
a good idea to ensure communication with a display is successful using the autodetect button.
This program provides both a staging areas for your graphics display and a proving ground that will
prepare it for any application environment.
Application Notes
Full demonstration programs and code are available for Matrix Orbital displays in the C# language from
Simple C# AppNote Pack in the Application Note section at
. Difficulty
increases from beginner, with the Hello World program, to advanced with the Dallas One-Wire
temperature reading application.
Many additional applications are available in a number of different programming languages. These
programs are meant to showcase the capability of the display and are not intended to be integrated into
a final design. For additional information regarding code, please read the On Code document also found
on the support site.