MLI Ultra 12/1250, 24/1250
– User and Installation Manual
The MLI Ultra supports 12V, 24V, 36V and 48V systems.
Only create battery banks with batteries of the same type and capacity.
The batteries have the same product code and software version. Do not mix with other models.
Make sure that all batteries are fully charged before creating a battery bank to ensure balancing is
Use properly sized fuses and wiring.
Keep the cables between the batteries as short as possible.
All battery-to-busbar cables should be of the same length.
Install the batteries as close as possible to the charger.
Mastervolt recommends one charger for batteries that are connected in series.
It is best practice to label the batteries (e.g. Primary, Replica1, Replica2).
Series and parallel connections
in the following drawing, the fuses are not depicted. For safety reasons, always use properly
sized fuses in the positive cables of batteries in parallel connections.
2 x 12V parallel = 12V / 200Ah
2 x 24V parallel = 24V / 100Ah
2 x 12V series = 24V / 100Ah
2 x 24V series = 48V / 50Ah
3 x 12V parallel = 12V / 300Ah
3 x 24V parallel = 24V / 150Ah
3 x 12V series = 36V / 100Ah
4 x 12V parallel = 12V / 400Ah
4 x 24V parallel = 24V / 200Ah
2 x 24V series/parallel = 48V / 100Ah
Figure 10: Simplified diagram for battery bank DC connections