1.3.5 Shield and guards
All shields and guards must be in the correct
position and in good condition.
Do not open, remove, or put your hand behind
shields while the engine is in operation. Belts and
components that turn can cause entanglement,
which can cause injury and death. Keep away from
the components that turn.
GUID-6163F2D6-39D6-48BF-871C-AC346EE022D2-high.jpg [High]
Fig. 10
Do not operate the machine with the drive shaft
shields open or removed. Entanglement in drive
shafts that turn can cause injury or death. Keep
away from the components that turn.
Make sure guards that turn are free.
GUID-CEB32148-1F4C-457C-ADF7-595DFC51AC25-high.jpg [High]
Fig. 11
Do not make adjustments to the roll tension with the header engaged.
When you make adjustments to the roll pressure, stop the header. Lower the header to the ground and
engage the parking brake. Set the engine to low idle.
1.3.6 Exhaust warning
Do not operate the engine in a closed building
unless the exhaust is vented to the outside.
Do not tamper with or modify the exhaust system
with unapproved extensions.
GUID-55072A39-D882-4355-8ABA-05660F3F6EDA-high.jpg [High]
Fig. 12
GUID-9398BDE6-F83A-4855-B266-E86D0B48B9D7 [V8]
GUID-AC6BA923-B398-43F4-BFAE-5130AFED6FC5 [V3]
1. General
Auger Header