1.1 General information
1.1.1 Introduction to this service manual
This service manual gives information from engineering tests, operating data, and the latest service
techniques at the time of publication. Read this service manual carefully before doing any service on the
The photos and illustrations used in this service manual were current at the time of publication. Production
changes can cause machines to vary from the photos and the illustrations. The manufacturer reserves the
right to redesign and change machines as necessary without notification.
Some pictures in this manual show the machine with shields or guards removed to
permit for a better view of the subject of the picture. All shields and guards must be in
position before operating the machine.
Machine movement when in normal use determines right-hand and left-hand.
1.1.2 Units of measurement
Measurements are given in metric units followed by the equivalent in US units. Hardware sizes are given
in millimeters for metric hardware and inches for US hardware.
1.1.3 Table of contents
This manual has a table of contents at the front. The table of contents shows the divisions. The individual
divisions also have a table of contents.
1.1.4 Page numbers
All pages have two numbers, such as 01-25. The first number shows the division. The second number
shows the page in the division.
Page numbers occur on the lower right-hand or lower left-hand corner of each page.
1.1.5 Intended use
This machine is designed solely for use in customary agricultural operations.
Do not use this machine for any application or purpose other than those described in this manual. The
manufacturer accepts no liability for damage or injury resulting from misuse of this machine.
Compliance with the conditions of operation, service and repair as specified by the manufacturer constitute
essential elements for the intended use of this machine.
This machine should be operated, serviced and repaired only by qualified persons familiar with its
characteristics and familiar with the relevant safety rules and procedures.
All generally recognized safety regulations and road traffic regulations must be obeyed at all times.
Any unauthorized modifications performed on this machine will relieve the manufacturer of all liability for
any resulting damage or injury.
1.1.6 Proper disposal of waste
Improper disposal of waste can pollute the environment and ecology. A few examples of potentially
harmful equipment waste can include, but not limited to, items such as oil, fuel, coolant, brake fluid, filters,
battery chemicals, tires, etc.
Use leak proof containers when draining fluids. Do not use food or beverage containers to collect waste
fluids, as food or beverage container(s) may mislead someone into drinking from them.
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1. General
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