MarkBass TA503 Review Download Page 1



et up by Marco De 
Virgiliis, Mark Bass are an 
Italian company that we 

first looked at, and were very 
impressed by, in the November/
December 2004 issue of BGM. 
2005 sees a whole new range for 
Mark Bass, along with glowing 
endorsement from bass icon 
Jeff Berlin and a very distinctive 
new colour scheme. The aim is 
to increase their profile in the 
bass community and spread the 
gospel, according to Mark, of the 
bass variety.

The philosophy behind the 

design and construction of Mark 
Bass equipment is very clear; 
to provide top-quality gear that 
meets the needs of professional 
bass players everywhere. To meet 
these needs they have made the 
amps and speakers as compact 
and lightweight as possible, and 
the amplifier circuitry is “designed 
specifically not to colour the 
sound of the bass, but to faithfully 
reproduce the unique tonal 
qualities of whatever instrument 
is played through it”. To me this is 
an admirable mission statement 
and Jeff Berlin says that this 
is the best bass amp he’s ever 
played through, so let’s see how 
it shapes up.

TA503 Head

The TA503 is the highest spec’d 
amp Mark Bass offer and has 
four bands of semi-parametric 
EQ, whereas other amps in the 
range only have two parametric 
bands that control high and low 
mid.  There are two valves in the 
input stage and a power amp that 
delivers 500-watts into 4 ohms, or 
300-watts into 8 ohms. 

The very first thing to 

say about this amp is how 
unbelievably light it is - it weighs 

only 8.16lbs. The next thing to 
say, which is made even more 
impressive by the first statement, 
is how momentously loud it 
is. I used the amp on some 
reasonably loud gigs and never 
had the volume past 9 o’clock, 
which is just past the first of six 
markers on the master volume 
knob. Now we all know that most 
of the volume increase is at the 
start of the sweep, but honestly, 
turning the master to half way 
resulted in earth-shaking bass that 
at the very least could loosen a 
few fillings! Raw power without 
control is of no use to anyone so 
it’s good to know that the TA503 
isn’t short of control and tone 
shaping capability.

On the front panel the TA503 





 1/4” jack 

inputs, and an input



that has a blue LED to indicate 
peaking. There is a 

Line Out


control that regulates the output 
of the rear line out XLR and 
another blue 


 LED that can 

only be activated via the optional 

The EQ section takes the 

form of four level and four 
frequency selector controls 
described as 


Mid Frequency 


Mid Frequency High



. The top row takes care 

of the level of the selected 
frequency with up to 16dB of 
boost or cut, and the bottom row 
is where you can fine-tune at 
what frequency the cut or boost 
is applied. Each band has a very 
useful, wide range that overlaps 
a little with the adjacent control, 
giving you a great deal of flexibility 
and many tonal possibilities. 

The owner’s manual that 

comes with the TA503 is very 
clear on the use of EQ and its 
advice is in keeping with the 
overall construction and design 




Made in:


Power Output:

 300-watts RMS 

@ 8ohms, 500-watts RMS @ 

Preamp Type:

 Tube (1 x ECC81, 

1 x ECC83)

Output Stage:



 37cm x 8.5cm (2U) 

x 30.2 cm


 3.7kg (8.16lbs)




Speaker Config:


neodymium speakers, 1 x 1” 
compression driver with custom 

Power Handling:

 800-watts RMS

Frequency Response:

 35Hz to 



 59.4cm x 73.9cm 

x 48cm


 29.9kg (65.92lbs)



