Operating instructions VENTA Multi Care 16_ 5752 2434
GA 5752 2434 EN 13
Technical specifications
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic interference resistance, non-vital equipment
Interference re-
sistance test
IEC 60601
Test level
Electromagnetic environment / Guide-
Portable and mobile radio communication
equipment should be used no closer to the
product (including its cables) than the recom-
mended separation distance, calculated us-
ing the equation for the particular
transmission frequency.
Recommended separation distance:
Cable-carried RF
interference mag-
nitude as per IEC
3 V
150 kHz to
80 MHz
3 V
150 kHz to
80 MHz
Radiated RF in-
terference magni-
tude as per IEC
3 V/m
80 MHz to
2,5 GHz
3 V/m
80 MHz to
2,5 GHz
for 80 MHz to 800 MHz
for 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
where P is the rated power of the transmit-
ting device in watts (W), as specified by the
manufacturer, and d is the recommended
separation distance in metres (m).
The field strengths of stationary radio trans-
mitting devices should be determined at all
frequencies in an on-site test
and should
be less than the compliance level
Interference is possible near devices which
are marked with the following symbol.
At 80 MHz and 800 MHz the higher frequency range is applicable. These guidelines may not be
applicable in all situations. The propagation of electromagnetic emissions will be affected by the
absorptive and reflective properties of structures, objects and persons.
The field strength of stationary transmitters such as the base stations for radio (cellular/cordless)
telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, and AM and FM broadcast and TV broadcast
can, theoretically, not be determined exactly in advance. A study of the operating location should
be considered in order to assess the electromagnetic environment in regard to stationary radio
transmitting units. If the field strength measured at the location where the product is used exceeds
the RF compliance specified above, then it will be necessary to observe the product to determine
that it is functioning properly. If unexpected actions are found, then additional measures may be
required such as, for example, re-orienting or relocating the product.
The field strength should be less than 3 V/m all across the frequency from 150 kHz to 80 MHz.
Fig. 44: Electromagnetic interference resistance, non-vital equipment
d = 1,17 P
d = 1,17 P
d = 2,33 P