MAPA Products
MPH-24-D:24/9 Pedestal Hydrant
July 2
Installation Instructions – Parts List
Description of the Hydrant:
The MAPA Pedestal Hydrant with Auto-Drain is a hydrant assembly utilizing a full port ball
valve with an auto-drain port that is located below freeze line at the base of the Hydrant.
An auto-drain type hose vacuum breaker is permanently attached to the discharge outlet
located near the top of the pedestal. The assembly is housed within a stainless steel shroud.
The assembly is ideally suited for applications where severe cold weather is of concern. The
auto-drain port will discharge the water remaining in the standpipe to an open-site drain that is
located below the roof line.
The Stainless Steel Shroud and Base allow the roof contractor to make a positive, weather
tight flashing to the Hydrant.
The Under-deck Flange prevents the Hydrant from becoming dislodged from the roof membrane during operation.
The Weather-Guard Domed Handle prevents moisture from entering the assembly when the valve is in the OFF position.
Unpacking the Hydrant:
Parts Included:
Wye-strainer W/ brass nipple
Assembly Hardware is located in a plastic bag that is attached to the underside of the under-deck flange.
4 – ¼” X 1” set screws
4 – ¼” X 1 ½” hex head bolts
1 – 1/4” MIP X Compression Adapter
Verify that all assembly parts are present.
Recommended Installation Procedures:
Support Framing:
We strongly recommend that prior to the installation of this roof mounted Pedestal Hydrant that a
welded angle frame be installed at the bottom surface of the roof decking. This framing should be of sufficient size to
permit the provided under-deck flange to slide freely yet firmly into the frame and rest firmly against its top. The framing
should be of sufficient strength to prevent any dislodging of the Hydrant during normal operation. Refer to
Figure 1
these instructions.
Installation Sequencing:
We recommend that the Hydrant not be installed until the roof decking and all roof insulation is in place. A round hole
should be cut in the roof insulation and deck to permit the hydrant to pass from the roof surface through this hole to below
with the base resting squarely on the insulation. We do not recommend making final piping connections to the Hydrant
until all roof work associated with making the hydrant base watertight to the roof is completed and then not until the under-
deck clamp has been installed.
MAPA Products, LLC Box 129 Naples, Texas 75568 Phone (903) 897-2371 Watts (877) 897-2371 Fax (903) 897-2781
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