Programming instructions for KF425
We suggest that the following procedures are carried out before cutting the
new key. Key blade requires cutting by your local locksmith.
The transponder programming procedure allows the new key to start the engine.
The original key used in this procedure must be a Master (black) key. When
performing the below procedure, ensure you give the pedals firm presses. Weak
presses may not register with the vehicle and the learning procedure will not work.
1. Insert original working master key (black headed key) in to the ignition (leave in
Lock position).
2. Press the accelerator pedal 5 times.
3. Press the brake pedal 6 times.
4. Remove the original key from the ignition and insert new key to be
programmed leaving it in the Lock position.
5. Press accelerator pedal once.
6. Wait a full 60 seconds.
7. If performed correctly the security LED on the vehicle will turn off. Once turned
off the new transponder is programmed.
8. Remove new key from the ignition.
If the new key is cut it will now be able to start the ignition. Do not test if the key
blank is not cut.