Valid from
Card Security No.
Postage & Packing
Please add the correct P&P cost to your Sub -Total and advise us if
the delivery address is different to the address below.
Nib Exchange
I wish to exchange the enclosed nib sections for Left Handed
versions free of charge. I understand that a charge for postage &
packing will still apply.
Payment Method
Cheques, made payable to Manuscript Pen Company Ltd, are only
acceptable in £ sterling from UK residents. All other payments should
be made by Debit/Credit card. Please complete the form below or
telephone us on
+44 (0)1746 861236
Address where card is registered:
Post Code:
Manuscript Pen Company
Highley, Nr Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 6NN, England
Tel: +44 (0)1746 861236 Fax: +44 (0)121 615 3353
Email:[email protected]
Your new calligraphy set contains a selection of nibs from our range.
These quality nibs will help you to develop and apply your
calligraphy skills in many ways. If you require additional nibs, these
are readily available and may be ordered from our nib service. Details
of the full range are shown on the following pages and may be
ordered either by using the Order Form included in this leaflet or
online at
If you are left handed and wish to exchange, where possible, the
nib sections in this set for left handed versions, please tick the
appropriate box on the Order Form and return the Nib Sections only
to Manuscript Nib Service.
The nibs will be replaced free of charge, but please do not forget to
pay the return postage charge.
P&P (+£2.25)
P&P (+£4.25)
Rest of World
P&P (+£4.75)
Expiry Date
Maestro Issue No.
Issue 12.17
Your contact details will be kept on our system for 1 year. Your card details will be destroyed after 1 week.
For our full Terms and Conditions of Sale, please visit our website www.manuscriptpen.com
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