Integra HP
and Integra HP
RE are Mannington Commercial’s high performance integrated backing systems for broadloom
carpet. Mannington adheres to the Carpet and Rug Institute’s (CRI) Installation Standard which details minimum
requirements for site conditions, floor preparation and installation. Mannington’s Installation Guide provides additional
details specifically for carpet styles with Integra HP backings. These details are necessary to help assure a successful
installation with full warranty coverage.
Requires full range of ASTM moisture and pH testing, but does not require the use of Mannington’s Universal Primer.
Requires the use of Mannington’s Universal Primer, but eliminates the need for concrete moisture testing when
subfloor chemical pH is 9 or lower.
Before starting the installation you must first determine which option is best for your specific project. Select Option 1 or 2
and then proceed to site condition.
Concrete subfloors must be tested in accordance with ASTM protocol to determine whether chemical pH and moisture
emission levels are suitable. Test methods, locations and results must be fully documented for future reference.
Independent certification is recommended. Results should be as follows for full warranty coverage.
• pH test, ASTM F-710, should be 9 or less.
• Relative Humidity, ASTM F-2170 is the preferred method and should be 85 percent or less.
• Calcium Chloride, ASTM F-1869, should be 8 pounds or less.
Integra HP backing installations using Mannington’s Universal Primer, Integra 2 wet set adhesive and MT-800 seam sealer
will no longer require moisture vapor emission rate (MVER) or Relative Humidity (RH) testing, but only when meeting the
following conditions.
• No free liquids present.
• No evidence of moisture staining.
• pH is 9 or less. pH tests are required for all installations of Integra HP backings.
Note: Testing must show the concrete surface has a chemical pH of 9.0 or lower at the time of installation and must
maintain a pH of 9.0 or lower throughout the life of the carpet.
Experience has shown that test accuracy is improved for
moisture vapor emission, Relative Humidity and chemical pH when temperature and humidity levels are maintained within
ranges expected during occupancy for two full weeks prior to testing. Even so, these tests indicate moisture and pH
levels only at time of testing. Moisture and pH levels can increase over time. Mannington is not responsible for product or
installation failures caused by such changes in subfloor conditions occurring after installation.
Regardless of option chosen for moisture warranty, these conditions and standards must also be met.
• Integra HP should not be used on concrete slabs that do not have a vapor retardant membrane properly placed below
the concrete slab.
• Control the environment. The building should be fully enclosed with an HVAC system functioning to maintain temperature
within a range similar to when space is occupied.
• Maintain temperature between 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit with ambient humidity between 40-60 percent for 48-72 hours
before, during and after installation.
• Levelness of finish. Must meet or exceed American Concrete Institute standards, ACI 301.
• Use only leveling compounds containing Portland based cement. Latex is included in some levelers and should be mixed
with water according to manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid all Gypsum based patching compounds.
• Curing agents. Mechanically remove any concrete curing agent determined incompatible with adhesives or sealers
required for installing HP backed carpets. Many concrete curing compounds can inhibit or prevent an adhesive from
developing an adequate bond with the subfloor. If concrete curing agents have been used, determine whether that
specific curing agent is compatible with sealers and adhesives necessary for the installation. Determining compatibility
may require involving manufacturers of each product.
• Chemical removers. Avoid using chemical agents to remove curing compounds or old adhesives. That includes citrus
based removers. These solvents can absorb into the subfloor and prevent an adequate bond with sealer or adhesives.
All concrete subfloors must be tested for pH and found to have a pH range of 9 or less
before starting the installation. The test must be performed on bare concrete surface according to standards set in ASTM
F-710 with careful attention to the following:
• Clean test site. Mechanically clean away adhesives, primers, curing compounds and contaminants to expose the thin
carbonation layer on the concrete surface.
January, 201