• MM00157
To reduce the likelihood of injury please follow the guidelines as outlined in this instructions. You can visit our website
www.mandmsalesinc.om to review the instruction manual in the future or keep this instruction sheet for reference:
Hammock Swing
Model MM00157.
The installation instructions above are reflective of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Outdoor
Playground Safety Handbook. For a complete description of installation instructions and warnings for outdoor
playground equipment you can visit our website www.mandmsalesinc.com to link to the current CPSC handbook and
review in its entirety.
Our products are tested to ensure safety and compliance with Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
(CPSIA) including specifications for lead paint and phthalates and ASTM International F1148 Standard Consumer
Safety Performance Specifications.
maintenance instructions
1. At the BEGINNING of each play season: Check all moving parts including swing seats, ropes, cables, and chains
for wear, rust, or other deterioration. Replace as needed; Check metal parts for rust. If found, sand and repaint
using a non-lead-based paint meeting the requirements of 16 CFR 1303; Reinstall any plastic parts, such as
swing seats or any other items that were removed for the cold season; Rake and check depth of loose fill
protective surfacing materials to prevent compaction and to maintain appropriate depth. Replace as necessary
2. TWICE A MONTH DURING play season: Rake and check depth of loose fill protective surfacing materials to
prevent compaction and to maintain appropriate depth. Replace as necessary.
3. ONCE A MONTH DURING play season: Check all moving parts including swing seats, ropes, cables, and chains
for wear, rust, or other deterioration. Replace as needed.
4. At the END of each play season or when the temperature drops below 32°F: Remove plastic swing seats and
other items as specified by the manufacturer and take indoors or do not use; Rake and check depth of loose fill
protective surfacing materials to prevent compaction and to maintain appropriate dept h. Replace as necessary;
Owners shall be responsible for maintaining the legibility of the warning labels.
5. When you are ready to dispose of swing, make sure that all swing components are disposed of in accordance
with local waste ordinances.
6. Swing should disassembled and disposed of in such a way that no unreasonable hazards exist at the time the
swing is discarded.
7. WARNING: Failure to carry out these checks and inspections could result in fall or injury.
operation instructions
1. An adult should supervise play on this product for children of all ages.
2. Only for family residential domestic use. Designed for single rider use or two plus riders
simultaneously. Any combination of riders should not exceed 300 lb. maximum load.
3. Maximum fall height 9 ft. (determined by swing pivot point, maximum hanging rope length and 24 in. above
ground surface).
4. Riders should be dressed appropriately including wearing well-fitting shoes that fully protect feet. Remove articles
before swinging that create hazards when they get tangled and caught (examples include: ponchos, scarves, and
other loose-fitting clothing, bike or sports helmets.
5. Instruct children: Not to swing higher than hook attachment • Get off swing only after it has completely stopped
and hold onto the rope or chain until both feet are planted firmly on the ground • Not to twist swing chains or
ropes or loop them over the top support bar since this may reduce the strength of the chain or rope • To avoid
swinging empty seats • Not to walk close to, in front of, or behind, or between moving items • To sit in center of
the swings with their full weight on the seats • Not to use the equipment in a manner other than intended • Not
to attach items to the playground equipment that are not specifically designed for use with the equipment, such as,
but not limited to, jump ropes, clothesline, pet leashes, cables and chain as they may cause a strangulation hazard •
To remove their bike or other sports helmet before playing on the playground equipment • Do not climb swing
when it is wet • In direct sunlight, check that seating surface is not too hot
join our m ission to in spire c hil dren
to get up, get out, an d pl ay!
adv entures
i n spi r i n g
M&M Sales enterprises, Inc.
Dubuque, Iowa 877.242.0154
ASSEMBLY • installation • operation • maintenance • safety