MAN marine diesel engines D2868 LE4.. / D2862 LE4..
Carefully read through the Operating Instructions before starting any work!
This particularly applies to the General Safety Instructions section
and the safety instructions in the various chapters.
Preparation for operation
By means of simple, but regular inspection of the engine in the course of the daily routine, impending en
gine damage and engine failure can be avoided. For these inspections neither tools or test equipment are
required. It is sufficient to carry out simple visual and functional controls before the daily start up of the en
gine and after long periods of standstill. This only requires a few minutes per inspection.
With experience and special knowledge in the handling of diesel engines, minor faults can be detected at
an early stage and major engine damage prevented.
User tip
The causes of engine damage are often small faults, which can lead to a chain reaction and res
ult in severe engine damage and even eventually result in the total failure of the engine.
Carry out regular simple visual and functional inspections.
Eliminate minor faults immediately!
The basic prerequisite for fault-free operation is the provision of equipment which has been approved by
Before operation, check fuel supply, level of coolant and oil.
If necessary, top up diesel fuel, coolant and oil.
MAN accepts no liability for material defects caused by the use of non-approved fuels, lubric
ants and coolants.
No liability for material defects can be accepted if non-approved fuels, lubricants and coolants are used.
Only use approved fuels, lubricants and coolants (see publication entitled "Fuels, lubricants and fluids
for MAN industrial and marine diesel engines").