Mamiya UNIVERSAL BLACK Instructions Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for UNIVERSAL BLACK

Page 1: ...INSTRUCTIONS ...

Page 2: ...frared Photography 1 5 Shutter Operation 1 6 PressFocusOperation ACCESSORTES 17 Acceptable PhotosensitiveMaterial and Actual Picture Si2e 18 Roll Film Holder 6 x 9 6 x 7 Description of Parts 19 Priorto Loading Roll Film 20 Loading Roll Film 20 Loading Roll Film Focusing Hood a 23 Pofaroid Land Fack Film Holder r o 24 Short Course on Photography 24 dccessories for Polaroid Land Pack Film Holder 25 ...

Page 3: ...the shutterbefore keepingthe shutter t openwiththe pressfocuslever Disengage the leverlock E r button andturntheleverinthesamedirection astheshutter cock thentheshutter willremain open Bypushing theleverbackto itsoriginal position the shutter willclose Page 16 ll When using the roll film holder for Mamiya RB or the various n film holders and adapters for the 2 x 3 Graflok back Ur made by GRAFLEX I...

Page 4: ...f 8 lens Finder with bright easy to see brilliant frame featuring automatic parallax compensation except 250 mm f 8 lens Further accurate focusing through ground glass focusing screen possible r Quick photography with roll film holder lever winding system Available in 6 x 9 and 6 x 7 format for both 120 and 220 films t R o l lf i l m h o l d e r K e n a b l e s p h o t o g r a p h y i n 6 x 9 6 x ...

Page 5: lenses 6 x9 and 6 x7 formats Automatic parallax compensation Use exclusive optical viewfinders for 50 mm 65 mm and 75 mm lenses When photograph ing through the Polaroid Land film pack size use the optical viewfinder model P for 75 Backmount Grip Others Physical dimensions 100 and 127 mm lenses Interchangeable back three types M adapter G adapter and PolaroidLand camera back can be attached Remo...

Page 6: ...5l Lock button 6 Bayonet ring 7 Stabilizingplate 8 Hand grip socket 9 Rangefindercouplingpin 10 Lens couplingmark 11 Cable releaseholder 12 Hand grip lock ring 13 Shutter release trigg er 14 Hand grip 15 Cable release 16 Depth of field scate 17 Distance scale 18 Focusingring 19 Shutter cocking lever 2 l t8 t7 16 I I ...

Page 7: ...rture control lever 25 Cable release socket 26 Press focus lever 26i Press focus lever lock button 27 Indicatorwindow for viewfinder field frame 28 Slide buttonfor viewfinderfield frame selection Eyecup Eyepiece Tripod socket M adapter Locking knob G adapter Locking slide 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 ...

Page 8: ... 6 Bayonet ring 7 Stabilizingplate 8 Hand grip socket 9 Rangefindercouplingpin 10 Lens coupling mark 11 Cable releaseholder 12 Hand grip lock ring 13 Shutter release trigg er 14 Hand grip 15 Cable release 16 Depth of field scate 17 Distance scale 18 Focusingring 19 Shuttercocking lever 2 l t8 t7 t6 t 9 20 20 22 23 26 26 25 24 ...

Page 9: ...erture control lever 25 Cable release socket 26 Press focus lever 26 Press focus lever lock button 27 Indicatorwindow for viewfinder field frame 28 Slide buttonfor viewfinderfield frame selection 29 Eyecup 30 Eyepiece 31 Tripod socket 32 M adapter 33 Locking knob 34 G adapter 35 Lockingslide ...

Page 10: ...using the 100mmf 3 5 standardlens the lens shutterassembly must be pulled out from its retracted position before taking general photographs Grip the lens shutterassembly firmly turn it slighily coun terclockwise and pull it out then turn it clockwise inthe arrow direction and secure it in place lf the lens shutter assembly is left in its retracted position the coupled rangefinderwill not functione...

Page 11: 12 Screw the end of the cable release 15 extending from the hand grip into the release socket 25 of the lens shutterassembly While dismounting a lens hang the cable release on the cable release holder 11 Stabilizing Plate Pull out the stabilizing plate 7 on the bottom of the camera body when resting the camera on a desk table or other surface ...

Page 12: ...button functions to prevent the back from being detached unexpectedly from the camera body Secure both sides of the back by using the locking slides 5 Do not raise the camera by holding the back in a condition that only one side is secured To remove the back depress both side locking slides 5 while the lock buttons 5 are pushed in M Adapter When installingthe M adapter on the camera back the roll ...

Page 13: ... hood model P are available With the Polaroid Land pack film holder use a Polaroid8 exposure 3 x4 inchLand film pack For color photography use Polaroid Polacoloro film type 108 for black and white photography use Polaroid 3000 speed film type 107 By attaching the focusing hood model P direct focusing through the ground glass focusing screen of 3 x4 inch format ef fective picture size of 2k x37ninc...

Page 14: ... viewfinder field two images of the subject are visible Turn the focusing ring so that these two images coincide When focusing coincidethe double images at the center of the circle Looking through the center of the eyepiece is also a key point in accuratefocusing When turningthe focus ing ring of the lens barrel be careful not to turn the bayonet ring of the camera body When the lens shutter assem...

Page 15: ...nity The 250mm f 8 lens does not interlock with the rangefinder When photographing with the 6 x 6 format or 6 x 4 5 format by employing the roll film holder model K use the attachedfinder mask See page 23 tor details 6 xg For close range 6x7 range For close Focal length of lens Forclose ranges use inside edges of trame For distances further away use outside edges of frame roo fj 3 Sftto approx 6ft...

Page 16: ...r window of the camera body For correcting parallax select the brilliantframe of the view finder for 250mm lens moving your eye about until the brilliant frame is centered in the viewfinderfield 75mmLens Lens 3 x 4 Y L_ i IJ tzTat M A I i J A P A I M A M I Y A 13 When Using Polaroido Land Pack Deciding the Field Composition Since the Polaroid film pack photographs a wider area than does the viewfi...

Page 17: ...ach the optical viewfinderfor 50 mm lens on the accessory shoe and use the frame for 6 x 7 format in the viewfinder rfx f uor llL t 1 A D E I I J A P A I M A M t Y A With the 75mm lens Use the brilliantframe tor 3 x4 format in the optical viewfinderIor 75mm lens Withthe 150mmlens Determine the field of view by coveringthe v i e w f i n d e rm a s k f o r 3 x 4 l o r m a l o n t h e camera finder w...

Page 18: ...raph For example when focusing on a subject 15 feet 5 meters away with a 100 mm standard lens at t 22 everythin between 8 feet 2 5 meters and infinityis in focus InfraredPhotography when photographing with infrared film the distance scale obtained by focusing with the rangefinder must be shifted by rotatingthe focusing ring slightly until the focused point on the distance scale is changed to align...

Page 19: ...utter regardless of the shutter speed setting 2 Disengage the lock buttonby thoroughly pushingit to the camerabody side and turn the pressfocus lever in the shutter cockdirection then theshutter willremain open By pushing the pressfocusleverback to its originalposition the shutterwill close There is no need to reset the shutter PRECAUTION Be sureto operatethe pressfocuslever AFTERcockingthe shutte...

Page 20: ......

Page 21: ... 2Y in lt 5 X56nn 16 Cutfilm plate holder typeJ Plate 2 x 3 i n 6 5 X 9 c m 2 x 3 in 57 X84nn Cut f i l m 2 x 3 i n 6 5 X 9 c m tl Cut f i l m 4 x 6 in size divided into 4 equal narts 2 x 3Yuin 57 X77nn Cutfilm plate holder typeA Plate 2 x 3 i n 6 5 X 9 c m I 2 x 3 in 57 X84mn Cut film 2 x 3 in 2 x 3Vuin S2X 79nn Film pack adapter Filmpack 2 x 3 i n 6 5 X 9 c m Minimum 2 x3 slze s uin 55X 8Omn t2 ...

Page 22: ...120 8 220 1 6 6 x 7 120 1 0 220 20 Descriptionof Parts R 1 Film Advance Lever R 2 F i l m C o u n t e rW i n d o w R 3 Film SensitivityReminder Dial R 4 Counter Change overKnob R 5 Film indicator Window R 6 Dark Slide R 7 Film Wind stop Release Lever R 8 Film Chamber R 9 Back Cover Latch R 10 Spool Change Knob R 11 Start Mark R 12 Take up Spool Chamber R 13 Plate Catch Left R 14 Pressure Plate R 1...

Page 23: ...Reattachingthe plate While aligning the upper and lower edges of the plate with the flange insert the groove into the plate catch R 13 on the left then hook the plate catch R 15 on the right while pushing it stighily to the left Always ascertainthat the correct side of the pressure plate corresponds to the film used Use the convenientfilm sensitivity film speed in the holder turning the film speed...

Page 24: body Pull out the dark slide R 6 now starttaking photographs After each exposure by moving the film wind stop release lever R 7 in the direction of the arrow the film can be advanced by turning the film advance lever Since the film will not advance far enough with only one stroke of the film advance lever turn the lever until it stops at the second stroke Winding may be accomplishedby movin...

Page 25: ... Insert the craws on both ends into the grooves of the picture frame of the holder while slighily bending the picture frame rengthwise as shown in the photo When loading or unloading a film avoid direct sunlight Do it in the shade By pulling out the back cover latch while pushing the back cover toward the horder the back cover can be opened Pullout the spool change knob and place a roll film in th...

Page 26: ...For photo graphing in 6 x 4 5 format insert the mask for 6 x4 5 format into the back of the 6 x 6 format mask To attach the mask to the camera body raise the flat spring attached in front of the mask by holding it with the thumb and forefin ger and apply the mask to the top cover front frame and releasing the raised flat spnng To correct parallax select the brilliant frame for 250mm lens moving th...

Page 27: ...Polacolor f i l m T y p e 1 0 8 For black and white pictures use Polaroid 3000 speed film Type 107 Both color and black and white films are eight exposurefilm packs Actual picture size is 2v x 3 inches 73x 95mm Install this holderdirectlyon the camera body after removing the M adaPter Pull the yellow tab straight out of the holder and at a constant speed De velopment startsfrom this operation Furt...

Page 28: ... confirm light ing and composition of the actual object then photograph the finar picture on roll film and so on Employing this procedure unexpected failures can be prevented In these cases when placing this format gauge on the photographed subject compo_ sition when photographing with a 6 x9 format or 6 x7 format can be ascertained in advance Since four corners of the ouiline indicat ing the resp...

Page 29: ...rotating the focusingring When keeping the shutter open follow the instructionson page 16 Depth of field can be observed on the ground glass screen through stopping down the diaphragmby turningthe aperturecontrol lever Full size of the focusing ground glass is for 6 x 9cm format the light vertical lines indicatingthe 6 x 7cm format After focusing press the focu sing screen release lever to permit ...
