Make sure the batteries are in the correct way.
Then reinsure that the sensor is positively connected to the alarm to prevent accidental
Setting the sounds:
There is a choice of sound/s only, sound/s and vibration or vibration only. On the right hand
side of the machine there is lever which you adjust by moving from right to left according to
your selection.
There are 8 different sounds the machine can make:
Inside the battery compartment there are 8 very small switches. When opening the battery
compartment you will find a stick which you use to switch the sounds ON or OFF. The sounds you
choose is the sound the alarm will ring. You can have more than one sound selected thus combining
a different sound.
On the top of the machine you will see a lever which gives you the option of No.1 or No 8. When the
lever is on No.1 the machine will make the sound which you have selected within the battery
compartment. When the lever is No.8 you must switch the No.1 sound within the battery
compartment on. This sets the machine to make any of the 8 sounds rather than a particular sound
which you have chosen.
Lift the sensor clip lever (the yellow clip), attach to the outside fitting underwear, (at the location
most likely to get wet first), by inserting material inside the
sensor jaws
at the front and closing the
Do not place any material under the clip.
Upon waking up to the alarm, try and stop more urine from being released from the bladder. Remove
the sensor from the fabric and keep the lever open (yellow clip). Do
unplug the cable from the
body of the alarm. Stop the sound or vibration by pressing the small reset button (on the right hand
side of the machine), use the lavatory to completely empty the bladder, then clip to a dry pair of
pants as before and close the lever.
Always test alarm wetting sensor or closing the easy clip lever before use. Parental help in
waking up children when the alarm sounds is reassuring and helpful especially during the first
Rapid wakening on hearing the alarm is vital for success. Most children including
non-bedwetters tend to sleep soundly and heavily at home. Better results are obtained if
Parents/Guardians help to wake up sufficiently to be able to recall event in the morning.
Always praise the user for a dry night; never scold or chastise for a wet night. Encouragement is the
key to success. You cannot help a child who does not want to help him or herself. Try and find out
why they do not want to be helped, it could be some other problem.