sEtup assistant:
The set of tasks
that runs when you turn on the MakerBot
Replicator for the first time. The setup
assistant helps you level the build plate,
load filament and start a test print. You
can access the setup assistant at any time
through the Utilities menu.
The process of turning a
3D model into a print file containing
instructions for your MakerBot 3D printer.
The MakerBot Replicator uses print files
with the extension .makerbot.
sMart ExtrudEr:
The MakerBot
Replicator Smart Extruder draws the
filament from the spool, melts it, and pushes
it through a nozzle onto the build plate.
A widely used file format for
3D models.
Automatically generated
support structures used to prop up any
sections of a print that will not stand alone.
A file format used by MakerBot
Desktop that stores additional information
about your 3D model files.
A file or group of files saved to
Thingiverse or to your MakerBot Cloud Library.
MakerBot Thingiverse, an
online community for sharing 3D design files.
usb CabLE:
A cable that allows your
computer to communicate with the
MakerBot Replicator.
usb driVE:
A USB flash drive. You can use
a USB drive to transfer print files to and from
the MakerBot Replicator.