An arrangement of 3D models
on the build plate. Multiple layouts can be
saved as part of any Thing in your Library.
LEVELing knObs:
The two knobs
underneath the build platform that allow
you to pivot the build plate around its center
point during the leveling process.
The format of print files
for your MakerBot Replicator. Print files
contain instructions for your MakerBot
Desktop 3D Printer.
MakErbOt aCCOunt:
The username
and password you will use to sign in
to MakerBot Desktop , and log on to
Thingiverse and other MakerBot sites.
MakErbOt CLOud Library:
The part
of MakerBot Desktop where you can access
your MakerBot Cloud Library and organize
your own design files, files downloaded
from or collected on Thingiverse™, or files
purchased from the MakerBot Digital Store.
MakErbOt dEsktOp sOftWarE:
Free software for use with your MakerBot
Replicator Desktop 3D Printer. MakerBot
Desktop will help you discover, manage,
share and print 3D models.
MakErbOt digitaL stOrE:
A digital
store where you can download premium
3D content.
MakErbOt pLa fiLaMEnt:
acid filament. PLA is a corn-based
thermoplastic. MakerBot PLA Filament is
the source material from which you make
objects on the MakerBot Replicator.
MakErbOt rEpLiCatOr:
Desktop 3D
Printer (Fifth Generation Model).
MEnu buttOn:
The button at the
bottom right corner of the control
panel’s LCD screen. The menu button
will often allow you to open a menu
containing additional options.
A file format used for 3D models.
The settings used to slice your
3D model and create a print file. MakerBot
Desktop Software comes with preset profiles
for Low, Standard and High resolution prints.
A plastic base printed on the build
plate and used as a printing surface for your
printed object.
sEttings diaLOg:
The dialog that allows
you to change which print settings will be
used when you create a print file.