baCk buttOn:
The button at the top right
corner of the control panel’s LCD screen. The
back button will often allow you to return to
a previous screen or cancel an action.
bLuE tapE:
Blue masking tape that makes
a great build surface for objects printed with
MakerBot PLA Filament. You can find blue
tape at any hardware store or order sheets
of blue tape sized for your build plate at
buiLd pLatE:
The flat glass plate on which
the MakerBot
Desktop 3D
Printer builds an object.
buiLd pLatfOrM:
The support for the
build plate. The build platform includes
knobs for manual leveling.
COntrOL panEL:
The LCD screen, dial
and buttons at the upper right corner of
the MakerBot Replicator. The control panel
allows you to start prints, change settings
and view status information.
The rotary/push dial on the control
panel. Rotate the dial to scroll through
available options and push the dial to select.
EthErnEt CabLE:
A Cat5e cable used to
connect your MakerBot Replicator to a local
area network.
ExtrudEr assEMbLy:
The MakerBot
Replicator Smart Extruder installed in the
extruder carriage.
ExtrudEr CarriagE:
The part of the
extruder assembly that sits on the gantry
and moves back and forth. When the Smart
Extruder is installed in the extruder carriage,
the extruder assembly is complete.
ExtrudEr nOZZLE:
The opening on
the end of the Smart Extruder from which
heated MakerBot PLA Filament emerges to
be spread onto the build plate.
fiLaMEnt draWEr:
The part of your
MakerBot Replicator that slides out to
allow you to load a spool of MakerBot
PLA Filament.
fiLaMEnt guidE tubE:
The plastic
tube that guides the MakerBot PLA
Filament from the filament spool to
the Smart Extruder.
The software that runs on your
MakerBot Replicator.
The apparatus that allows the
extruder assembly to move around.
intErnaL stOragE:
The part of the
MakerBot Replicator’s onboard storage that
you can use to store print files. The capacity
of the MakerBot Replicator’s internal
storage is about 2GB.