the control panel
Additional options are available under System Tools.
hOME pOsitiOn
Select to move the build platform and extruder assembly to their home positions. The build
platform will move all the way down and the extruder carriage will move to the front left
corner of the MakerBot Replicator.
attaCh sMart ExtrudEr
Select for assistance in attaching the MakerBot Replicator Smart Extruder.
Select to run a diagnostic sequence or to copy recent diagnostics logs to the USB drive.
If the diagnostic sequence flags any issues, please contact MakerBot Support by emailing
[email protected]
systEM LOgs
Select to clear the MakerBot Replicator’s log files or copy them to a USB drive.
rEstOrE faCtOry sEttings
Select to return all settings on your MakerBot Replicator to the factory defaults.
pOWEr Off
Select to turn your MakerBot Replicator off. After you turn the MakerBot Replicator off by
selecting this option, you will be able to turn it back on by pushing the control panel dial.
systEM tOOLs