Replicator 2X Bar Mount Replacement Instructions
These are instructions for replacing the bar mount assembly for the MakerBot
Replicator 2X's dual extruders. They will require the use of the 2.5 mm hex wrench that
came with your printer, a pair of scissors, some tape, and possibly a small flathead
Before you begin, do the following:
• Unload any filament.
• Turn off the MakerBot Replicator 2X.
• Remove the filament guide tubes and spool holders.
• Unplug power and USB cables.
1. Clip the zip tie holding the extruder cable to the plastic guide at the back of the
Be careful -- make sure you clip only the zip tie and avoid any of the wires going into the
extruder cable.
2. Use your 2.5 mm hex wrench to loosen the fan bolts on the left extruder.
These are the two bolts at the lower corners of the left extruders. Loosen them just
enough that you can remove the left extruder motor and attached drive block from the
dual extruder assembly by sliding them to the left.
3. Remove the motor cable connector from the left extruder motor.
This is the white plastic clip at the top of the motor. Wiggle it free and label it with a
piece of tape to identify it as the left motor cable. Set the left extruder motor assembly
4. Remove the two bolts holding the extruders to the extruder carriage.