17 Off-Road Operation
Driving off-road or more specifically on unsurfaced roads or two
tracks, made up of materials like sand, gravel, mud, snow, rocks, and
other natural terrain is hazardous and can be dangerous. Any ter-
rain which is not specially prepared to carry vehicles presents an
inherent danger. An operator who ventures off-road should always
exercise the utmost care in selecting the safest path and keeping a
close eye on the terrain ahead of them. This Mahindra ROXOR
Offroad Side x Side should never be operated by someone who is
not very familiar with how to control it.
Persons taking part in this activity have sometimes been met with
criticism for the environmental damage incurred by their vehicles.
Please be courteous and limit your use of the ROXOR to private prop-
erty or areas specifically designated for off-road activities. Always
practice the "Leave no Trace" and “Tread Lightly!®” principles and
ethics of outdoor conservation. Always respect nature and the rights
of others to enjoy it.
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