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Anti-Pinch during Auto UP
Auto UP
Pull the power window switch up for a moment and release. The
glass moves all the way up automatically. You do not need to hold
the switch till the glass closes.
Press the power window switch down for a moment and release.
The glass moves all the way down automatically. You do not need to
hold the switch till the glass comes down.
Anti-Pinch during Auto UP
During Auto up if any obstacle is detected with the force value
ranging between 70~100 N (~7-10 kg), the controller senses the
load and reverses the direction of the glass to downward direction
for almost full stroke length.
However if the force against the glass is less than the specified
value then this function does not operate.
All functions like Auto Up / Down and Anti-pinch during Auto UP
are de-activated in case the vehicle battery terminals (positive
or negative) are disconnected. Once the battery is reconnected,
the smart power window learning should be done. However the
normal power windows will still function.
8.1.3 Smart Power Window Learning Procedure
To initialize the function, the system has to learn one complete
cycle. Repeat the below procedure for driver and co-driver windows
Lower the window glass to the extreme bottom most position by
pressing the power window switch continuously down
Raise the glass up by pulling the power window switch
continuously, hold the switch up for two seconds after reaching
the top most position. This will make the system understand the
extreme top position of the glass
Lower the glass down by pressing the power window switch
continuously, hold the switch down for two seconds after
reaching the lower most position. This will make the system
understand the extreme low position of the glass
With the above action, the system understands one complete cycle
and the controller learns the stroke length
In case of hard weather strip conditions in express up mode, the
system treats it as an obstacle and the glass starts moving down.
This can be avoided by checking the weather strip at frequent
In case of anti-pinching, 5 times continuous anti-pinch at the same
point makes the controller lose its memory. Re-learning smart
power window needs to be done