Pos: 283 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1.1.1/ K/Überschrift 1.1.1: Kons tante Motordrehzahl @ 13\mod_ 1234777725397_75.d ocx @ 339829 @ 3 @ 1
Constant Engine RPM
Pos: 284 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Leis tungsmesstechnik/POWE RDYNO/052301 LPS 3000 R100/BA/Inhalt: 0523 Konstante Motordrehzahl @ 13\mod_ 1234777775836_75.d ocx @ 339855 @ @ 1
With the operating mode
Constant Engine RPM
the dyno is regulated in such a way that the
engine RPM remains constant independent from the traction and speed created by the vehicle.
The pre-selected target value (n-target) is regulated independent from the traction created by the
vehicle up to the max. dyno motor capacity.
1 Position the vehicle on the dyno and fix it.
2 Call up the menu LOAD SIMULATION and
then the menu item CONSTANT ENGINE
The following screen appears:
3 Enter the target value of the engine RPM
via the digit keys.
4 Use the button<F8 CONTINUE>.
The following screen appears
5 Start the measurement.
6 Use the button <F6> to start or stop the
graphic recording of the measurement.
Pos: 285 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1.1.1/S/ Überschr ift 1.1.1: Stillstand @ 13\mod_ 1234778098450_ 75.docx @ 339881 @ 3 @ 1
Pos: 286 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Leis tungsmesstechnik/POWE RDYNO/052301 LPS 3000 R100/BA/Inhalt: 0523 S tills tand @ 13\mod_ 1234778177914_75.d ocx @ 339907 @ @ 1
This menu point activates the deceleration of the roller set with a defined torque of the eddy
current brake.
Pos: 287 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1