Pos: 250 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1.1/P/ Überschr ift 1.1: Programm s tarten @ 7\mod_ 1189767780933_ 75.docx @ 105643 @ 2 @ 1
Starting the Program
Pos: 251 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Leis tungsmesstechnik/POWE RDYNO/052301 LPS 3000 R100/BA/Inhalt: 0523 Pr ogramm s tarten @ 13\mod_1234345378040_ 75.docx @ 338729 @ @ 1
1 Switch on the dyno via the main switch on the communication desk.
2 Windows is started after the PC is booted. Depending on the setting, the program is started
either automatically, or by calling up the Start group or by double clicking the icon.
The start screen appears with the MAHA logo and version number.
The following screen appears which shows the connected PCBs.
The number of modules (PCBs) depends upon the options that have been ordered.
3 Confirm the enabling of the individual dyno components with the button
4 If desired, start a software update of the individual dyno components
After a few seconds the main menu appears.
Pos: 252 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1.1/P/ Überschr ift 1.1: Programm beenden/Prüfstand ausschalten @ 13\mod_1234349535557_ 75.docx @ 338985 @ 2 @ 1
End Program / Switch off Dyno
Pos: 253 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Leis tungsmesstechnik/POWE RDYNO/052301 LPS 3000 R100/BA/Inhalt: 0523 Pr ogramm beenden/Prüfs tand auss chalten @ 13\mod_ 1234355220328_ 75.docx @ 339121 @ @ 1
First quit the program and then shut down the computer properly. Improper termination can cause
a system crash and data loss!
1 Quit all menu items with <ESC>.
2 As soon as you are in the main menu, quit the program with <F8 EXIT>.
3 Quit Windows and shut down the computer properly.
4 Turn off the main switch at the communication desk.
Pos: 254 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1