Pos: 46 /Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/Überschriften 1.1.1/R/Überschrift 1.1.1: Rollensatzanhebung @ 38\mod_1403791920051_75.docx @ 2045362 @ 3 @ 1
Roller Set Lift
Pos: 47 /Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/MBT-SERIES/042501 MLS/BA/Inhalt: 0425 Bedienung über ESYS RSA @ 34\mod_1382625355915_75.docx @ 1845855 @ @ 1
Drive onto the barke tester, the scale
screen is displayed.
Motors start automatically, the meas-
urement screen is displayed.
Start the load simulation with the
<F6> button, the load simulation
screen is displayed.
Motors stop automatically.
Attach shackles to the vehicle.
Enter target weight via the keyboard,
confirm with <return>. Maximum
weight: 5.00 t.
If a higher weight is entered, this is
automatically reduced to the maxi-
mum value.
Activate control with <F6>.