Pos: 58 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/36 Säulen-Heb ebühnen/0001 S äulen-Hebebühnen A lle/Inhalte/Inhalt: 3600 Tex tanzeige USHT 1 - Fehlermeld ungen: E 200...E299 @ 46\m od_1481531980511_ 75.docx @ 2798030 @ 3 @ 1
Error Messages: E200…E299
Error codes in this range indicate errors during control operation which typically do
not reappear after the lift has been restarted.
Example texts
System status
Button Error
Several buttons of the control
panel were presumably pressed
Lift is transferred into a safe
state mode. After releasing the
buttons and a waiting period of
3 s the control is reinitialised.
Voltage Error
The supply voltage of the
assembly (U
= 24 V) is
outside the permissible range.
Switch off the lift and wait 15 s
before switching on again!
If an error reappears the power-
supplyof the lift has to be
checked by a specialist.
The control has detected a
Raise/lower lift to unblock
support arms!
If the reference to post + A or +
B is missing, then either both
lifting carriages are blocked or
the location of the blockage is
The control has detected an
automatic lowering.
If cause unknown – call service!
If the reference to A or
+ B is missing, then both lifting
carriages will lower.
Error E203
Lifting caA is in lower
end position, but control
indicates at least 15 mm lifting
height ai A.
Possible cause of error:
Metallic object may be blocking
the sensor in the lower end
position at A or +B.
Removing the object and
restarting the control triggers a
follow-up referencing. The lift
can be moved downwards only.
The follow-up referencing must
be performed without load!
Error E204
Lifting caB is in lower
end position, but control
indicates at least 15 mm lifting
height ai B.
Pos: 59 /----- Format-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1