Enter the correct polarity for EoP Polarity, turn on EoP
Analysis, and then enter the correct value for EoP
Dielectric. EoP Dielectric is the dielectric constant of the
process medium being measured.
4.2 Sloped Threshold
The Sloped Threshold option contained in the Model 706
allows the user additional level detection capability by
allowing the threshold to be sloped (bent) around an
unwanted signal. The result is a convenient way to ignore
undesired signals.
The use of PACTware and the Model 706 DTM is recom-
mended for this option.
Using PACTware, click on the Device Setup tab, and then
select Advanced Config.
In the Threshold Settings section, select “Sloped” within in
the Lvl Tresh Mode dropdown box.
Then set the Sloped Start Value, Lvl Tresh Value, and
Sloped End Distance.
57-606 ECLIPSE Model 706 Guided Wave Radar Transmitter