Magneplanar DWM Woofer Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction/General Description
2. Carton Contents
3. Packaging
4. Installation and Hookup
5. Placement
6. Phasing
7. Bass Attenuation
8. Service and Shipping
9. Specifications
Introduction/General Description
The Magneplanar DWM is a dipole, thin-film planar/magnetic woofer which is a derivative of the MG 20.1 DiPlanar
woofer technology. The DWM can be driven simultaneously by 2 separate amplifiers (typically the front left and right
channels). A built-in crossover provides a high-pass output for use with "small" Magneplanars.
Carton Contents
1 - DWM Loudspeaker with base
1 - Magnepan "Shaped" Pink Noise CD Test Disk
1 - Hex Wrench
2- 2 ohm, 25 watt resistors
1 - Speaker Logo
1 - Owner's Manual
Save all packaging. The DWM can be shipped safely only in the original packaging. Should you discard it,
packaging is available from Magnepan.
Installation and Hookup
Install the base with the 2 screws. It may be necessary to realign the dowel nut in the speaker before installing the
base and screws.
Connect the speaker wire to the amplifier input on the DWM, obvserving polarity. Connect the "small" Magneplanar
to the output of the DWM, observing polarity.