blue PiraT Mini
User Guide
Datum: 21.09.2016
Seite 6 von 56
This user guide describes the administration of the newest generation of blue PiraT data logger
of the Telemotive AG, called
blue PiraT Mini
This user guide describes hardware and interfaces as well as the general functions of the
PiraT Mini
. The configuration and converting of the logged trace data is described in the user
guide of the
Telemotive System Client
This document refers to
firmware version 02.04.01
and the
Telemotive System Client
version 2.4.1.
Some features depending on model and feature license or may not be available
in older versions.
Software updates and user guides for other, optional, licensed enhancements are available in
the Telemotive ServiceCenter.
(Please find the address under Contact at the last page.)
To ensure the most reliable operation of your system as possible, please make sure to use al-
ways current firmware and software versions.