blue PiraT Mini
User Guide
Datum: 21.09.2016
Seite 31 von 56
Status Logger: MEM
Internal memory is nearly full. No more data will be stored soon.
Case 1:
The ring buffer is enabled and more than 95 % full (as Status RING), in addition over
90 % of the trace files are protected.
Case 2:
The ring buffer is disabled and filled to more than 95 %. When ring buffer mode is disa-
bled all trace files are implicitly protected.
blue PiraT Mini
STATE-LED is off.
Line three now shows the level of the ring buffer with
protected files. In the display below we see that the
ring buffer is filled to 91 % with protected, and to 9 %
with non-protected files. Till now the oldest unpro-
tected files will be cleared to make way for new
Table 10.5: Status Logger: MEM
Case 3:
The ring buffer is disabled and the memory to 100 % full.
Case 4:
The ring buffer is enabled and the memory to 100 % full with protected files.
In both cases, the data recording is stopped because no files can be deleted to make way for
new space.
blue PiraT Mini
STATE-LED is pulsing every second.
The third line shows flashing that the storage medi-
um is full. For this, the third line is faded in and out
every second.
Table 10.6: Status Logger: Memory Full