blue PiraT Mini
User Guide
Datum: 21.09.2016
Seite 19 von 56
7.9 MOST150 interface
The MOST150 interface is a standard 2 + 0 connector for MOST fiber optic.
Maybe the MOST
150 connector can’t be plugged when the 15-pol SUB-D connector is not
If the MOST connector is not used, the jack must be covered with a terminating plug.
This prevents the sensitive fiber optic contacts from getting dirty. It also makes sure that
the data logger does not start up unintentionally when, e.g., strong sunlight falls onto the
optical contacts.
7.10 Default network settings
The loggers default setting is
“DHCP server” and has to be connected by an Ethernet
cable to your computer system. You can download the Telemotive System Client by typ-
ing this IP address into your web browser:
Resetting the network settings
If you have no access to the logger any more please follow the instructions of chapter 7.1
Reset network settings
back to default settings
in standby mode
Start the device.
Push and hold the
[ON / Trigger]
until the STATE-LED flashes red twice.
(~ 15 seconds)
Shut down device and start it again, to
set the settings.