MagicCloser Installation/Users Guide
1. Introduction
Congratulations on the purchase of the MagicCloser Garage Doo
MagicCloser is easy to install and will provide the comfort and peace of m
garage door won’t remain open indefinitely whether you’re at home or not
automatically after a pre-determined amount of time has been selected to s
and needs. The MagicCloser consists of two devices. The transmitter (MC
the backside of the garage door and is powered by a coin cell battery, whil
mounts next to the existing garage door push button and utilizes the existin
your Garage door opener wall switch.
Prior to installing MagicCloser, ensure that the garage door is equip
external entrapment protection device, such as an infrared beam sen
detect an object obstructing the garage door. A garage door opener
have an auto-reversing feature should be replaced by one that has th
feature. It is recommended that MagicCloser be installed on a garag
entrapment/auto-reversing feature. Without a functioning safety rev
person could be seriously injured or killed by a closing garage door.
2. Installation
MagicCloser Transmitter (MC-TX) Installation
To install the Magic Closer transmitter (MC-TX) peel off the stic
the attached Velcro on the backside of the MC-TX and attach to the top ba
garage door (figure 1). Orientation does not matter.
Top of
Garage Door
Orientation Angle
Does not matter
Figure 1 Mounting Location for MagicCloser Transmitt
or Closer. The
mind that the
t, as it will close
suit your lifestyle
-TX) mounts on
e the (MC-RX)
ng power from
pped with an
nsor, which can
that does not
he auto-reversing
ge door with the
versal system, a
cky back from
ack side of the
MagicCloser Receiver (MC-RX) Installation
To install the MagicCloser receiver (MC-RX), remove the existing garage door
switch, loosen the current wires on the switch, add the MagicCloser wires to the screws,
and re-tighten the screws with both the original wires on the switch and the new wires from
the MagicCloser. The MagicCloser receiver is installed in addition to the existing wall
switch. The red wire is connected to the positive terminal of the existing switch (commonly
brass, or gold colored). The black wire is connected to the negative terminal of the existing
wall switch (commonly silver). See figures 2 & 3 for examples.
Single Button Existing Garage Door Switch (Figure 2) and Multi-Function
Garage door Switch (Figure 3)
Note: For Multi-Function switch (Figure 3) a small standard (flat) screwdriver will be
required to insert into the top of the push panel to pry outward to remove the cover
and expose the interior of the unit.
Remove the existing garage door switch or multi-function switch by removing the
screws attaching it to the wall.
Loosen existing terminal screws for wires that power and control the garage door
Attach the Red (p) wire of the MagicCloser to existing red or red striped wire
(sometimes l or pos), and retighten along with the original wire on the garage
door switch, so that both wires are now on the screw terminal.
Attach the Black (negative-) wire of the MagicCloser to existing white or solid color
wire, (sometimes labeled - or neg), and retighten along with the original wire on the
garage door switch, so that both wires are now on the screw terminal.
Re-attach the original garage door switch back onto the wall. Note: Be sure the wires
from both the garage door unit and MagicCloser are nestled in the pre-cut slot for
flush mounting.
Attach the MagicCloser receiver to the wall with two #6x1/2 screws.
Using a paper clip tip press and hold the Reset switch for 5 seconds to allow the
complete reset of the receiver.
Figure 2 Connection to existing garage door switch.
Figure 3 Connection to the existing Multi-Function garage door switch.