Magic Chef CER3525AAW User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CER3525AAW

Page 1: ...df CHean Oven Qeaning Procedures Maintenance 21 22 Oven Window Oven Light Troubleshooting 23 24 Warranty Service 25 Guide de utilisateur 26 Gu_a del Usuario 54 Form No B 11 04 Part No 8113P473 60 3 20...

Page 2: ...operly installed and grounded by a qualified technician Do not attempt to adjust repair service or replace any paRR of your appliance unless it is specifically recommended in this guide All other serv...

Page 3: ...k or oven bottom Misuse could result in risk of electric shock fire or damage to the appliance Use foil only as directed in this guide Cooking Safety Never heat an unopened food container in the oven...

Page 4: ...d Make sure drip bowls are in place as absence of these bowls during cooking could damage wiring Protectmve Liners Do not use aluminum foil to line surface unit drip bowls or oven bottoms except as su...

Page 5: of the listed substances including carbon monoxide Exposure to these substances can be minimized by properly venting the oven to the outdoors by opening the windows and or door in the room where th...

Page 6: ...meat heat oil for deep fat frying or sauteing Maintain fast boil for large amounts of liquids BEFORECOOK N61 AFTER COOKING o Always place a pan on the surface unit before you turn it o Make sure su t...

Page 7: ...n an element is on it will cycle on and off to maintain the heat setting Coil dements are self cleaning Do not immerse in water To remove When cool raise ele menL Carefully pull out and away from rece...

Page 8: ...k 1 Pressthe Clock pad The clock time cannot be set if the control is pro grammed for a bake broil or timing operation 2 Set the correct time of day using the A or V pads If the A or V pad is not pres...

Page 9: ...he A or V pad until the desired temperature is displayed To change oven temperature during preheat press the Bake pad twice then press the A or V pad until the desired temperature is displayed 3 Place...

Page 10: ...en and turn the Oven Temp knob to OFF Setting the Control for Broiling 1 For best results use a broiling pan Place the broiler pan on recommended rack position see chart on page 15 2 Turn Oven Temp kn...

Page 11: ...ound if a programming error occurs Note Four seconds after pressing the A or V pad the time or temperature will automatically be entered If more than 30 seconds elapse between touching a function pad...

Page 12: ...ocked If the oven is currently in use the controls cannot be locked The current time of day will remain in the display when the controls are locked To leek Press and hold the CANCEL and Cook Hold pads...

Page 13: ...he temperature 3 Press Cook Hold again OR wait four seconds HOLD flashes 00 00 flashes in the display Enter the amount of time you want to bake by pressing the A or V pad Bake time can be set from ten...

Page 14: ...Keep Warm 1 Pressthe Keep Warm pad Ii EIIxCP WAII_M WARM flashes 000 appears in the display Select the Keep Warm temperature The Keep Warm temperature can be set from 145 to 190 Pressor press and hol...

Page 15: ...e temperature set the temperature 25 higher or lower than your recipe recommends then bake The results of the test should give you an idea of how much to adjust the temperature To adjust the oven temp...

Page 16: ...roi times to increase and browning to be siightiy ighter if appiiance is instaiied on a 208 voit circuit HI is used for most broiling Use LO broil when broiling longer cooking foods The lower temperat...

Page 17: ...ions RACK 5 highest position Used for toasting bread or broiling thin non fatty foods RACK 4 Used for most broiling RACK 3 Used for most baked goods on a 5 __4 3 __2 cookie sheet or jelly roll pan lay...

Page 18: ...ven frame door frame area outside of gasket and around the opening in the door gasket with a nonabrasive cleaner such as Bon Ami or detergent and water The self cleaning process does not clean these a...

Page 19: ...s You may see some smoke and smell an odor the first few times the oven is cleaned This is normal and will lessen in time Smoke may also occur if the oven is heavily soiled or if a broiler pan was lef...

Page 20: ...nts as they may scratch the finish Glass cleaners may be used if sprayed on a cloth first BO NOTspray directly on controlpad and display area Remove knobs in the OFF position by pulling forward Wash r...

Page 21: ...ft cloth Rinse and dry To polish and help prevent fingerprints follow with Stainless Steel Magic Spray Part No 20000008 Moderate Heavy Soil Wipe with one of the following Bon Ami Smart Cleanser or Sof...

Page 22: ...cks are in place Scratching hitting jarring or stressing the glass may weaken its structure causing an increased risk of breakage at a later date i Disconnect p0wei to range be ore replacing l ght bu...

Page 23: ...models only The convenience outlet is located on the lower left side of the backguard Be sure appliance cords do not rest on or near the surface element If the surface element is turned on the cord a...

Page 24: ...var between a new oven and an old one As ovens age the oven temperature often drifts and may become hotter or cooler See page 14 for instructions on adjusting the oven temperature select models NOTE...

Page 25: ...roblem If BAKE or LOCK appear in the display press Cancel pad If BAKE or LOCK continue to flash disconnect power to the appliance Wait a few minutes and then reconnect power If the flashing still cont...

Page 26: ...ny control 2 Warranties are void if the original serial numbers have been removed altered or cannot be readily determined 3 Light bulbs 4 Products purchased for commercial or industrial use 5 The cost...

Page 27: ...toyage 44 47 Four autonettoyant M6thodes de nettoyage Entretien 48 49 Hublot du four Lampe du four Recherche des paaaes 50 51 Garaatie et service apres veate 43 Guia dem Usuario 54 M nuterie Maintien...

Page 28: ...ent pour los fonctions prevues decrites dons ce guide Pour une utilisation ad6quate et en s6curit6 il faut que I appareil soit convenaNement installe par un technicien qudifie et relic a la terre Ne p...

Page 29: ...ffisamment dlevee pour infliger des br01ures Pendant et apres usage ne pas toucher les elements chauffants ni les parois intdrieures du four et 6viter leur contact avec des vetements ou autres matdria...

Page 30: ...ille suffisante pour que le contenu ne risque pas de deborder Ceci est particulierement important pour un ustensile rempli d huile de friture Verifier que la taille de I ustensile est suffisante pour...

Page 31: ...e par consequent eviter de toucher la surface de cuisson durant I autonettoyage Avertissement et avis important pour la s6curit6 La Ioi cdifomienne _Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforce ment Act de 1...

Page 32: et pourIe maintien de I ebullitionrapided une grandequantitede Iiquide AVANr A CWSSON Placertoujours I ustensilesur 1 616ment avantd alimen_ei 1 6 6mont Pour6v terque laculsmm ene subisseues dommag...

Page 33: ...mment Voirpage46 EI6ments spiral6s o Lorsqu un6 6mentestutiIis6 il est aliment6par intermittencepour le maintiende la puissancede chauffaged6sir6e dans de eau 6pOSe SouleverI 616ment refroidi Tirer pr...

Page 34: ...eet I afficheurreviendra_ I affichageprecedent Reglage de rhorloge 1 Appuyer sur Ia toucheCIock Horloge L horlogenepeut pas 6tre regleesi lefour estdei_ programme pourune operationde cuissoncourante d...

Page 35: ...ant la nuisson appuyersur Bake puissnr Ia toucheA on _r jusqu a ce que la temperatured ir soit affbh Pour changer ma temperature du four morsdu pr_chauffage appuyer deu lois sur Ia touche Bake puis su...

Page 36: ...mperaturedu our _ la position OFF Arret R6glage du four peur cuissen au griJ 1 Pourobtenir les meilleursresuItats utiliser un ustensiJe con_u pour lacuissonau gril PlacerIa Iechefrite_ la positionre c...

Page 37: ...aulminuterie et horloge UtiJisation des touches o Appuyersur Iatouche d _sir6e o Appuyersur A Plus ou V Moins pour entrer la dur6eou la temp6rature o Un hip retentit IorsqueI on appuiesur une touche o...

Page 38: ...eurejuste paraisse_ I afficheur Losdeux pointscontinuent _ clignoter 3 Appuyer _ nouveausur latouche Timerou attendrequatre secondes Les deux points continuent _ clignoter et le d ompte de la dur_e co...

Page 39: ...rAjustementde la temperaturedu four _ la page41 Renlarques sur _a cuisson courante all fOUr Pour changerma temperature du four pendant ma cuisson appuyersur Bake puis sur latouche A ou _ jusqu a ce qu...

Page 40: ...Appuyer sur la touche Delay D6marragediff6re DELAY Lemot DELAY ATTENTE et 00 00clignote I afficheur 2 Appuyersur la toucheA Plus ou V Moins pour programmerIadur6e d attente AIorsque le mot DELAYcligno...

Page 41: ...R 2 Retirerla nourrituredu four Remarques sur la fonction maintien au chaud o Pourobtenir des quallt6salimentaireset nutritivesoptimales les alimentscults au four nedoivent pas6tre gard6sau chaud plus...

Page 42: ...urede 15 C 25 F plus 6leveeou plus bassoque la temp6ratureindiqu6edarts Jarecette puis faire cuire Ia pr aration Losr6sultatsdu _ test _ de cuissondoiventdonner uneid6edu hombrede degr6sduquel la temp...

Page 43: ...n o Pr oirdesdur s decuisson augriI pius Iongueset un rissolageI6g ementmoinsdot6 si I appareilfonctionne sur un circuit de 208voIts o LegriI au reglageHi Elev estutilis6 pour la majorit6des op ations...

Page 44: ...uiiie d uiuminium Cecimodifierait rues rSsumtats tie cuisson aufour et me fond dufour pourraitsubir des dommages Positions des gri es Grille 5 position Ia pIus haute Pourcuisson br eau griI pain grill...

Page 45: ...uiJJage a a position de verrouiJJage CLEAN 3 Appuyer sur a toucheCban Nettoyage Lemot CLEAN NETTOYAGE clignotea afficheur Si a porte n estpas ferm deships retentissentet e mot DOOR PORTE parait _ raff...

Page 46: ...cle d autonettoyage Lorsquele mot LOCKparak _ I afficheur la porte ne peut 6tre ouverte Pour iter d endommagerla porte ne pasla forcer pour I ouvrJrIorsquele motLOCKest affich6 Fum6e et odeurs La prem...

Page 47: ...puis faire secher Ne pasutiliserun agentde nettoyageabrasifsusceptiblede rayerla finition Onpeut utiliserunproduit de nettoyageduverre pulverised abordsur un chiffon NE PASprejeter le preduit directe...

Page 48: ...et6 m_gere EssuyeravecI un desproduitssuivants eausavonneuse vinaigre blanc eau produit de nettoyagepourverre et surface Formula409 ou un produit semblablepour verre avecun linge soupleet une6ponge Ri...

Page 49: ...du four d une cuisiniSreneuve ceciest normal cot effet disparaitprogressivement Hublot du four certains mode es Pour prot_ger e hub or de a porte du four 1 Ne pasutiliser de produitsnettoyantsabrasif...

Page 50: ...ousserdoucementjusqu _ la position de la premiSrebut6e 3 Soulever_ nouveaule tiroir et le pousseren placepour le fermer Prise de cow ant au iliaire modeles canadiens seulement La prisede courant auxil...

Page 51: ...turevarientsouvententre un four neuf et lefour qu il remplace On observesouventune d6rivedu r6giagedetemp6ratured unfour _ mesurequ il vieil it il pout devenirplus chaud ou moinschaud Voir page41 les...

Page 52: ...nule0 Si Ie mot BAKEou LOCKcontinue_ c noter d6brancherI appareiLAttendre quelquesminutes puis rebrancherI appareiLSile mot continue_ c noter d6brancher I appareiIet prendrecontact avecun r6parateurau...

Page 53: ...Lesgarantiesnepeuvent6tre honor6essi les numerosde s6ried origine ont ete enlev6s modifiesou nesent pas facilementlisibles 3 Ampoules 4 Appareils achetesaux fins d usagecommercialou hldustrieL 5 Lesf...

Page 54: ...Limpieza Manual Asar piante Horneado Diferido Mantener Caliente Asar a la Parrilla Parrillas del Homo liente Cuidado y Limpieza 71 74 Homo Autolimpiante Procedimientos de Limpieza Mantenimiento 75 76...

Page 55: ...guridad que aparecen en esta guia no est_in destinadas a cubrir todas ias posibies circunstancias y situaciones que puedan ocurrir Se debe ejercer sentido comuJn precauci6n y cuidado cuando instale re...

Page 56: ...quemaduras Du rante y despu6s dei uso no toque ni permita que ias ropas u otros materiales inflamables entren en contacto con los eiementos caiefactores o ias superficies interiores dei homo hasta que...

Page 57: ...materiabs infiamabbs o derrames si el utensilio es tocado accidentalmente o alcanzado por ni_ios pequeffos Asegurese de que el utensilio sea Io suficientemente grande como para contener en forma debi...

Page 58: ...s en la lista incluyendo mon6xido de carbono La exposici6n a estas sustancias puede ser reducida a un minimo ventilando el homo al exterior en forma adecuada abriendo las ventanas y o la puerta en la...

Page 59: ...efr en una sart l hondao para saltean Tambienpara mantenerun hen or r ido ara cantidades grandesde Ifquidos ANTESDiEOOCINAR DESPUE D COCINAR Smmprecoloqueun utensflloen el elementosuperior antesde enc...

Page 60: ...eJernento se enciende pasapor ciclos de encendidoy apagadopara mantenerel ajustede calor seJeccionado Los elementostubularessonautoth_piables No los sumeriaen agua Par8 sacar Cuandoest_frio levanteel...

Page 61: ...ceIaday el indicadorvisuaIvolver_aI despiiegueanterior Programaci6n del Reloj 1 Optima latecIa Clock Lahoradel reloj no se puedeprogramarsi el control ha sido programadoparahornearo asar o parausar e...

Page 62: ...Para camhiar ma temperatara mhomo darante Preheat opdma dos veces Jatecla Bake Iuegooprima A o V hasta que se desplieguelatemperaturadeseada 3 Coloqueel alimentoel en homo Venfiqueel progresode Ja coc...

Page 63: ...sado a la ParriHa moddos sdectos 1 Paraobtenermejoresresukados use un utensiIiodisW ado especialmenteparaasar a Ia parrilla Coloquela asaderaen Ia posiciOnde la parrilla recomendado Vet Ia tabla en p...

Page 64: ...iente enet homoel alimento cocinado Canceta todaslasfunciones aexcepci6n dottemporizador y etreloj Use de Jas Teelas Optimalatecla deseada OptimaA o V paraprogramareltbmpo o Ia temperatura Seescuchar_...

Page 65: ...tecla A o V hastaquee tiempo correcto parezcaen el indicadorvisual Losdos puntoscontimian desteJlando 3 Oprimanuevamentelatecla Timer o esperecuatm segundos Losdos puntoscontintian desteJlando y comie...

Page 66: ...e Preheat optima dos veces la tecla Bake luegooptima A o V hasta que se desplbgue latemperaturadeseada Si olvidaapagarel homo se apagar_i autom_ticamente despu6sde transcurrir 12horas Si deseadesactiv...

Page 67: ilumina en el indicadorvisual COOl BAKE y HOLD desteHan HOLD 4 Oprima A paraprogramarlatemperaturade horneado 00 00 y HOLD destellan BAKE permaneceiluminado 5 Oprima A paraprogramareltiempo de horn...

Page 68: ...2 Retireel alimentodel horno Notas sobre Keep Warm ParamantenerIa calidad 6ptimade los al mentos los alimentoscocinadosen eI hornodebenser mantenidos calientespor no m_sde 1a 2 horas Paraevitarque lo...

Page 69: ...latemperaturade homo a 15 C 25 F masaita o m4sbajaque atemperatura indicadaen sus recetas Juegohornee Los resuJtados de Ja prueba puedendarJeuna ideade cu4ntoajustar a temperatura Ajuste de a temperat...

Page 70: ...a parriila o Los tiemposde asara aparriIIaaumentar_ny el doradoser_ m_scIaros se instalaelelectrodomesticoen un circuito de 208w_Itios o Hi se usapara a mayoffade osasadosa a parriIla Use LO broil cua...

Page 71: ...ectar_n mos resumtadosdem homeado y se puede da iar ma parte inferior dem homo Posiciones de a Parriffa PgRRILLA5 la posiciOn m_salta Se usapara tostar pan o asara la parrilIa alimentos delgadosno gra...

Page 72: ...da para eliminarlos olores normalesasociadoscon la limpieza Antes de AutoJimpieza 1 Apague Ia Iuzde homo antesde la Iimpieza La luz del horno puedefundirse duranteel ciclo de Iimpieza 2 Retirelaasader...

Page 73: ...rir Paraevitardaiio a la puerta no fuerce la puertapara abrirtacuando Ia palabra LOCK est_desplegadaen el indicadorvisual Humo y Olores Ustedpuedever humoy sentiro or Iasprimerasvecesque e homo es imp...

Page 74: ...activar ControlLock BIoqueodeloscontroles parsla limpieza ver p_gina64 Limpieconun pasohOmedo y seque No useagentesdelimpiezaabrasivos puespuedenrayarlasuperficie Sepuedenusarlimpiavidrios si se rodan...

Page 75: ...e acero CameoStainless Steel Cleaner Enjuague inmedistamente y seque Paraeliminsrlasestr asy restsurarel lustre usedespu6s rociadorpsra acero inoxidsble Stainless SteelMagicSpray S Heine autolimpiante...

Page 76: ...nuevapuedesentirse sponjosa cuandose cierra Estoes normaly disminuir4con el USO Ventana del Homo modelos selectos Para proteger la ventana de la puerta dei homo 1 No useagentesde limpiezaabrasivostal...

Page 77: ...agavetanuevamentey emp0jelahastaquequede completamentecerrada Tomacorriente para Emectrodo sticos Peque os Modelos Canadienses solamente Eltomacorrienteparaelectrodom sticos pequeiios est_ubicadoen el...

Page 78: ...losselectos NOTA Noserecomienda aiustarIatemperatura si hatenidoproblemasconsolounaodosrecetas Consulteelfolleto La CocinaF_cil paramayorinformaciOn sobre losutensiliosde hornear Los alimentos no se a...

Page 79: ...alelectrodom stico Espereunospocosminutesyvuelvaareconectarlaenerg ael6ctrica Sicontimiandestellando desconectelaenerg ael6ctricadeJelectrodom6stico y Ilameal t6cnicodesewJcioautodzado o Siel borneest...

Page 80: ...Lasgarantiasquedan nulassi Iosn_imeros de serieoriginaleshan side retirados alteradoso no sonf_cilmente legibles 3 Focos 4 Productoscompradospara usa comercialo industrial 5 Elcostadel servJcio o Jlam...
