10. Appendices
Bluetooth Manager Toolbar Memo
Unlocking RTK and FAST Survey
To change your ProMark3 into a ProMark3 RTK, you need to
download the specific firmware from the Magellan FTP server
and purchase an upgrade from Magellan.
Before your order the upgrade, please turn on your ProMark3,
double-tap the
icon and then the
Magellan System Info
icon. At the top of the dialog is the ProMark3 Serial Number.
Terminates the search sequence in progress.
Launches a search sequence (“Searching...” is displayed in the status
bar) to find all the Bluetooth devices present in the vicinity. New icons
appear in the window as new devices are detected. “Ready” is dis-
played in the status bar at the end of the sequence.
is only active after
has been tapped.
Allows you to list the content of the parent folder. Valid when using the
File Transfer service of a remote ProMark3 after you have opened a
Lists the shortcuts you created for the Bluetooth services found in the
detected remote devices. Any shortcut can be deleted from the list.
Is initially used to search all the remote Bluetooth devices present in
the vicinity.
Tapping this button after a search has been performed simply lists the
Bluetooth devices that were detected during the last search sequence.
to refresh the list of detected Bluetooth devices.
Provides access to all Bluetooth local services available in the
ProMark3 unit.
Allows you to view or edit the properties of ProMark3’s Bluetooth
device: General, Security and Options.
Returns the software version of Bluetooth Manager software.
Minimizes the Bluetooth Manager window (but keeps Bluetooth Man-
ager running).