Job List screen
Note that you are not
prompted to select a
feature library when
you select an existing
job. This is because
the library that was
selected when the job
was created is neces-
sarily the one that must
be used for the job
when re-opening this
Revisiting and Updating Existing GPS/GIS Jobs
You can use MobileMapper Pro not only to position and de-
scribe new GIS features but also to update information gath-
ered previously. This is particularly useful when collecting
data on things that change over time: streetlight bulbs burn
out, new roads are added to housing developments, new crops
are planted, etc.
1. General Procedure
Return to the area where the original job was recorded and
turn MobileMapper Pro on. When it has calculated a GPS po-
sition, follow the procedure below to update the job or to ap-
pend more data to it.
Press the LOG button, select the
Open Existing Job
and press ENTER. MobileMapper Pro lists all the jobs
present in its memory.
Press the down arrow to highlight the name of the job you
want to update and press ENTER. MobileMapper Pro dis-
plays the navigation screen that was last used.
Unless this screen is already displayed, press NAV repeat-
edly until the Map screen is displayed. From this screen,
you will now indicate the first feature you want to revisit. If
necessary, press the IN or OUT button to adjust the scale
so you can see this feature.
Press any arrow key to switch to the cursor mode on the
Map screen and then use the arrow keys to move the cur-
sor over the feature you want to revisit first. It’s a good
idea to keep the Map info visible on the screen as it tells
you exactly when the feature is selected. (The feature
name appears in the lower part of the screen when the
cursor is positioned over the feature.)